
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Friday's Faves...O Christmas Tree!

When the children were younger we used to go to the tree farm and cut down our own tree.
But now, we do it an easier way!
Our neighbor kids are Boy Scouts and sell beautiful noble firs right out of their yard as a fund raiser.  They are only fifteen dollars. 
Beautiful and inexpensive!
You can't beat that!

I decorated the tree simply this year,
and left the tote full of memory filled ornaments packed away.
That turned out to be a very good thing.

The other night the Hubs heard a crash downstairs that sounded just like someone had broken a window.
He went running downstairs, fully armed, thinking we had an intruder!
What we had was a Christmas tree that had fallen over.
That's the first time in 37 Christmases that we've had that happen.
I would have been so sad if all the really special ornaments had been shattered.

It took about an hour to get the tree back upright.
We ended up putting it, stand and all inside an old galvanized tub, and put bricks on top of the stand.
That tree won't be going anywhere until it's time to take it down.

Here are some of the simple ornaments that we have on the tree this year.

Loving the wool felt ball garland I got on sale at West Elm!

Candy canes are a must have decoration on our Christmas tree as a way to remember that the first Christmas after we were married we were poor college students who only had lights and candy canes on our tree.

Well, it's almost Friday friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. It's BEAUTIFUL! I love the simplicity of it. I really wanted to do something different with ours this year, but my girls are still so young and just LOVE going through all our ornaments. I'm glad for you, that you didn't lose all your memorable ornaments...that would have been so sad.

    1. Thanks, Jill! I'm so thankful my memorable ornaments weren't on the tree this year!

  2. Simply beautiful! Can I just come live at your house?

  3. Love the galvanized tub trick. I've seen this done before. Merry Christmas to you, Elizabeth! Thanks for letting us peek into your world.

    1. Merriest of Christmases to you and yours Julie!


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