
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Friday's Faves...simple Christmas touches

Having just returned from a quick trip to the southern part of our state to be with my sister
while her husband had cancer surgery,
I'm reminded that while I love the holidays and holiday decorating,
being with those I love is what really matters.
Thankfully, things with my brother-in-law went really well and his prognosis is great
and my sister and I, my nephews and niece-in-law had a great time visiting with one another and even enjoying some laughter while we spent the hours in the waiting during his procedure.

I want my home and holiday decor to reflect my priorities,
to reflect my love for God and my family.
While in the past I may have gone a bit over the top with overly crowded, complicated and cluttered decor, the last few years I want it more simple and less cluttered, more peaceful and more calm.

You've seen my knock-off Restoration Hardware shelves before here and here.
Here they are again with a few simple Christmas touches.
Above is a wooden caddy that holds some of my Johnson Bros. Christmas dishes and an old marmalade jar that holds some freshly cut boxwood.
Below, a pitcher holding some candy canes and adorned with an old key hanging from a bit of Christmas ribbon is a simple and cheery touch.

This old Santa cup was a recent inexpensive find from Monticello Antiques.
It sits atop a vintage scale.
So simple, but I love it!

Be sure to click on the photo below to see how to enter my giveaway of this 
beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!

It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique

                                                      kim klaxon dot com
Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Your shelves look SO beautiful, Elizabeth. You sure succeeded with your desire to have your' home and holiday decor reflect your priorities, to reflect your love for God and your family. May His sweet peace continue to quiet your heart and home this season. ♥

  2. Your shelves are so simple yet beautiful. I believe that we all should reflect our priorities this time of year. Isn't that what Christmas is about? He was born Christmas Day to give his life for us. Whew, what great love. I pray that his blessings are with you and yours during this wonderful time of year.

    1. So true, Vintage Gal! God's richest blessings to you and yours as well!

  3. Glad to hear of your brother-in-law's good prognosis! Your home IS peaceful and calm--it shows even in pictures. I LOVE the old Coke crate! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth.

  4. Love these pics Jennifer... any chance you want to travel to "stuckinindiana" to help me with my clutter - LOL! Letting God set my agenda in this season & trying NOT to fret over the condition of my home - ha ha! Blessings, c

    1. Wouldn't it be fun to really meet up with other bloggers and help each other with our clutter and decorating! It would become a party instead of a dreaded chore!

  5. Elizabeth, your home looks so pretty. I love the key on the Merry Christmas ribbon. Simple and real is so much better.

    1. Thanks, Stacey. If my decor gets to clutter I can't wait to put it all away the minute Christmas is over!

  6. Love it. My Mom had that vintage scale. It went to my brother. Thank you Jesus for the good report on your brother in law! Blessings~

    1. I got my vintage scale for so cheap at a local antique shop...that was before everyone was wanting them.

  7. I love the simplicity of your holiday decorations. I was planning to simplify, too, this year. Now that my time needs to focus on my dear mother's situation I have to keep things very, very simple. Haven't started decorating yet. Soon. I hope.

  8. Very pretty Christmas touches! Love the little pops of red and greenery!

  9. Your simplicity is so lovely and adds so much warmth to your home. Love your unique touches, Elizabeth.
    Mary Alice

  10. Everything looks so wonderful! Beautifully presented. TFS. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle..

    1. Thanks, Gayle. I'm hopping over to see your blog now.

  11. I love your simple decor. So beautiful!

  12. Hi Elizabeth...your pretty pictures just made me smile!!
    Thank you!

    1. You are a great encouragement to me Sandi...and your blog is a decor inspiration to me as well!

  13. your simple vintage red/white touches are perfect!! love the white pitcher with the candy canes!!

  14. Wonderful news about your brother in law! Your decor looks beautiful. Your shelves have got me thinking! :)


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