
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Joy to the world...

Sometimes, maybe even most of the time,  we look for joy in our outward circumstances.
This time of year we may try to find it in the cheerful decorations, 
in the parties and celebrations,
in getting the gift we really, really wanted.
And then the holidays are over and January finds us feeling empty and blue.
Real joy is found in Jesus,
in living in the assurance of His never-ending love
and knowing deep-down that this life is not all that there is.

My favorite version of "Joy to the World" is definitely this one by Whitney Houston.
Her life definitely showed us that true joy is not found in this world's wealth and fame.

May I suggest you listen to this song, 
maybe even do a joyful little dance in your living room,
praise the Lord,
and shake off the heaviness of this world.
Come on....give it a try....I bet you'll feel better afterwards.

still following,

Today's your last chance to enter my giveaway of this 
beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!
Click on the photo to see how.
Winner announced tomorrow!

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Amen Elizabeth,
    You are so right in all you said..............Hubby and I say all the time we don't need bucket lists cause where we are going there is nothing down here on this earth that can even begin to compare to what is in Heaven...............
    and If that version of Joy to the World doesn't make you happy, check your
    pulse..........loved the movie too.

    Thanks for sharing, and Merry Merry Christmas hon,
    and Joyful New Years Blessings to ya,

    1. I agree, Nellie! Merriest of Christmas to you and a Joy Filled New Year to you!

  2. How can you possibly sit still while you listen to this one? Have a joyful weekend, my friend.

    1. I can't,'s a must dance song in my book!

  3. One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite movies! :)

  4. You know I love an invitation to dance! Merry Christmas to you!

    1. I'm right there with you, friend! Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I'm a huge fan of 'The Preacher's Wife'. It was filmed in my hometown of Portland, ME. What a wonderful movie.
    Have a blessed week.

  6. Beautiful photo, as usual. Always look forward to "seeing' you. A blessing you always are. Thanks again...

  7. Sweetly shared, divinely inspired. Thank you for dripping joy out of a fullness of time spent with the Father. Joy is always near when we are resting in the presence of the Almighty. Ps. 16:11



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