
Friday, December 6, 2013

Psalm 37:23...

There have been times when I've questioned the direction of the Lord in our lives,
times when things didn't turn out the way I thought they should,
times when He led us through valleys that I didn't think we were going to make it through.
It's afterwards, in hindsight, that I see how He set us up to not only make it through,
but to come through the valley stronger in Him.
Looking back I see His handiwork in the details,
the ways He provided just in time,
or the way He would send some encouragement when we were just about to give up.

Psalm 77:11 says,  "I recall all You have done O, Lord.  I remember your wonderful deeds..."
I think it's so important for us to keep some type of a record of God's leading in our life,
to recall the things that God has done, 
so we won't forget all of His wonderful deeds.

What are some of the ways you have seen God direct your steps?
In what ways have you seen God delighting in the details of your life?
I'd love for you to tell me about a time when He did so in a comment!

still following,

Be sure to click on the photo below to see how to enter my giveaway of this 
beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. God is good. My husband Keith lost his job over a year now. God has been so faithful & we have prayed together more & do little things together more. What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for good. We wake up everyday & say God we expect something good to happen to us today! And at the end of the day. We thank God for what HE has done! Amen! Blessings~

  2. Great picture
    illuminating the truth of His Word

  3. I agree with Karin. That WAS a great picture. NOW, you know approximately what the Lord calls me to do. Seen you twice now in your area and it's only been slightly over a year since the 1st. God calls me to hit the road. Tomorrow I begin to head north to MN area where Susie lives and the temps will be LOW, but, according to the weather issue shouldn't have much SNOW. Probably need to tell a story on my blog soon about how the Lord, when He told me to go to the NW during the winter of '08-'09, buried in snow on highways and great danger, how HE protected me. SO, my main God-job, other than serving my husband, the local murder sites, and the Bhutanese [a wedding in about an hour], it's hitting the road as my other main service. Sure want to see you again, though, Elizabeth. Whether here or there. Thanks for sharing.... thanks for putting up with me. ;-)

    1. God's work in you and through you is amazing, my friend!

  4. Oh yes, Elizabeth. Trusting Him in the storms when you can't see 2" in front of you is a hard, but needed task. And oh the blessings that flood our vision when the clouds lift ... and we see that He was there every step of the way!

    1. Yes, I so agree...when the storm passes we see clearly how God led us through.

  5. Awesome photo - so glad you are relishing the snow. I'm snowless - and waiting. It just stops about an hour before it gets to us and moves northward:(

    There are so many times He has helped me and mine through - that I am learning the pattern - learning not to wig out as much. From infertility to raising the answer to that prayer - the the letting go - and the daily. I think one of the greatest lessons I have learned is that after asking for his intervention - to ask Him to just stand with me, to be with me - while waiting for the journey of that prayer to be completed. Even though I know it - it is so important for me to be reminded - and thank you for reminding me so beautifully!

    1. My two oldest daughter's have had fertility oldest had repeated miscarriages and 10 years of no babies...then two miracle baby girls. My second born has a 10 and 9 year old via adoption, has been married 13 years and never conceived...she's 12 weeks along with a miracle, and boy was it a surprise as well!

  6. He makes our foot steps firm. It doesn't seem like it at times, but following Him is the safest thing we can do. Great reminder, Elizabeth. Thank you!


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