
Monday, December 23, 2013

Rich and full...

It's been a busy, rich and full week.
Sunday at our church we had a Christmas service in the morning and in the evening
 a Christmas dinner/outreach.
It was a great day.
And now I am happy tired, 
the kind of tired that comes when you've done something worthwhile and rewarding, 
even if it was a lot of work.

Christmas day will be relaxing and a bit more quiet than usual this year.
We had our whole family here on Saturday for brunch and gifts since our oldest daughter and her family will be at her in-laws on Christmas this year.
We'll still be with the rest of our family on Christmas, 
but in a condo at the beach instead of at my house.
We may even eat our Christmas dinner off of paper plates!
A relaxing, informal Christmas sounds just perfect to me this year.


In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)
#4102 - #4126

-the Hub's help when our Christmas tree fell over in the night
-meeting a local blog friend for coffee, and her sweet daughters!
-a scoop of licorice ice cream, a sweet childhood memory revisited
-a haircut and color 
-a really nice evening with the Hubs

-how writing a to-do list takes away the fear and intimidation of not being able to handle the busy-ness
-our wild and crazy four year old granddaughter

-little pink cowboy boots that Papa bought for youngest granddaughter

-going to Peacock Lane with our family and enjoying hot chocolate together afterwards

-12 days of Christmas celebrated by the Hub's with a surprise each day for me
-a phone call from my oldest sis
-taking time to write
-today's devotional in Jesus Calling
-dressing up and going out to eat with the leaders from our church

-getting errands done
-getting to squeeze in a partial date day with the Hubs and enjoying a matinee of  Saving Mr. Banks
-baking in the evening while the Hub's lit a fire in the fireplace and we listened to Christmas music

-Christmas brunch with the whole family

(This photo makes me smile.  My daughter told my grandson to wear something nice to our house and he came out of his room in dress pants and a shirt and tie!)

Someone liked the frosted sugar cookies!

-the Hub's reading the annual blessing that he writes for our children and grandchildren

-things coming together for Sunday's service and dinner

-Truelife Espanol, (our Spanish speaking church), being with us in our morning service and for the dinner
-our Children and Youth ministries and Truelife Espanol taking part in the morning service
-the great people of Truelife Church who cooked, set-up, served, cooked, cleaned up and made it possible for us to feed hungry families

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Lovely post. Yours always make me slow down and consider what is really the most important part of this life. Merry Christmas!
    PS. Paper plates and a condo at the beach now that is relaxing. Enjoy :)

    1. Hi June! We leave tomorrow to go back home after enjoying Christmas at the was completely low key and wonderful...and the weather was gorgeous and mild!

  2. Thanks for sharing your wonderful gratitude list. Your grandchildren are adorable. The little guy in the shirt and tie reminded me of my own son when he was small. He had this little black suit that he would put on anytime he felt like he needed to dress up. (He still takes great care of his appearance).

    On Saturday, my husband and I went on a first time adventure. We went to the Liberation Church on 2nd and Burnside with a Church group and fed the homeless. It was a really good experience for both of us. The Pastor reminded the group that these people are "someone's child" but I met a man who was the father of six and grandfather of twelve. Made me so sad to think he was out on the streets of Portland.

    Anyway, I with you and your family a Blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014.

    Love you,

    1. We knew the pastor of that church. He passed away last year. I'm not sure who pastors it now. How awesome that you went there!

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family at a place dear to my heart. You are a blessing - a gift - I treasure, dear friend. I'm so glad God brought our paths back together after so many years apart.

    1. We had a great Christmas week at the coast. The weather was amazing! I thank God that He brought you back into my life as well.

  4. Oooh...I made the list! : ) I loved meeting you - thank you for taking the time. I hope we can connect again in 2014. Have a blessed Christmas!

    1. Of course you made the was wonderful meeting you!


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