
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving week...

It was a beautiful Thanksgiving.
All of our children and grandchildren were here for the day.
The weather was cold, but the sky was blue and practically cloudless.
We all woke to our alarm clocks going off before the sun was up in order to drive across town 
for Portland's Turkey Trot.

This was a whole new way to begin Thanksgiving at our house, 
but a great way to feel a bit better about the feasting that was to come!

(Due to being gone in the morning, I tried a whole new way of roasting the bird...
and I do believe it was the best one ever. 
Start it at 475 for an hour than 250 for 6-7 hours for a turkey of about 20 lbs.
 Be sure to check that the internal temperature reaches 165 with your meat thermometer.)

We also celebrated youngest granddaughter's second birthday which fell on Thanksgiving.

So, a wee birthday cake, (made by her mama),  joined the pies on the dessert table.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with many reasons to give thanks!

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-an encouraging text from a friend
-homemade caramel corn in the mail from an online friend

-hot pho soup for dinner with the Hubs

-white spray roses

-coffee with a young mama from church
-a good talk with one of the young men from our church
-finding the Hub's Christmas present on sale...something I think he'll really like!
-a good dinner and a quiet evening at home

-devotions before busy-ness
-the Hub's helping me with pre-Thanksgiving prep
-an invitation to have dinner with a young couple from church

-our whole family together for Thanksgiving
-the Turkey Trot...beautiful weather, exercise before eating, and it ends inside the zoo

-youngest granddaughter's beaming face when we sang happy birthday to her

-best turkey ever!

-going downtown to Portland's Macy's holiday parade with family and friends

-everyone coming over to eat leftovers afterwards
-decorating the house

-a quiet day
-an idea of how to do something I needed to get done after I prayed about it

-joyous worship
-a great message about purpose and divine timing
-a quiet afternoon of Advent reading

gratefully yours, 

See how to enter my giveaway for this beautiful Ghanaian Market Basket by clicking on the photo.

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving pics and thoughts.

    Your granddaughter is a-dor-a-ble!!!

    Your pie crusts look homemade.
    P.S. I'm approaching 2000 on my thankful list.

    1. My granddaughter is indeed adorable! The pies are all homemade by our youngest daughter...she's a great cook!

  2. Beautiful holiday with your family. That cake is gorgeous! And I love her name.

    1. Eva and Ava Pearl! Close names for two beautiful girlies.

  3. That is a great list and the pictures are wonderful. You are truly blessed but I know you know that. I love how you did your Advent Candles. And little Eva is beautiful. (Eva was my MIL's name).

    Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks, friend...did you see you yummy caramel corn?

  4. Beautiful pictures. Wonderful memories. Thankful for you!

  5. What cherished memories made! It looks like you've had a full, wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. My birthday also falls on Thanksgiving sometimes, like your sweet granddaughters! Btw, I love her cake!!
    Merry Christmas

    1. I hope the Advent season is full of blessings for you and your little family, Leslie!

  6. I love your granddaughter's sweet face and the cake your daughter made is beautiful. I was surprised you didn't "blur out" her name, though.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Isn't she a doll and my daughter is an amazing cake decorator!

  7. Love this list, and the sneak peek at your Christmas decorations!

  8. Such happy faces! And a darling little one year old. How wonderful to have eveybody home! So glad it was a happy day for you.

  9. Your granddaughter's cake is so cute. The Turkey Trot looks like fun. What a way to spend family together time! Blessings!

  10. That cake is adorable! So is your grandbaby! :)


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