
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Three quick and easy Christmas treats...

Christmas is only a week away!
I've still got some Christmas cards to get in the mail,
our church's Christmas celebration this Sunday to get ready for,
groceries to buy,
a party to attend,
a few presents still to wrap
and some baking to finish.

It's at times like these when it's great to have some quick and easy recipes up your sleeve to use as a last minute gift or for holiday gatherings.

This first treat is made with two ingredients easily found at most grocery stores.
I found mine at Walmart.
All you need is almond bark and a bag of cranberry trail mix 
or your own favorite blend of nuts and dried fruit.

Microwave the almond bark until melted.
In my microwave it takes exactly three minutes.
Stir until all lumps of almond bark are melted.

Add trail mix.
I didn't measure, just add until it's about the consistency seen in this photo.

Spread out onto a parchment paper covered cookie sheet.

When completely cool and hardened cut into bite sized squares.
Store in plastic storage container or freezer bag.

Peanut butter and chocolate, what's not to love?
This chocolate peanut butter fudge could not be easier or yummier.

Here's the recipe!
I found it years ago in the Oregonian newspaper.


This last idea is quick, easy, and fun to do with the kiddos, or in our case, the grandkids.
Simply melt the almond bark, as in the first recipe, and dip pretzels in it.
Then, lay the pretzels on wax paper until the coating is cooled and hardened.
Store in plastic storage container or freezer bag.
(We always make a batch of pretzels with the white almond bark and a batch with the chocolate.)

Kid tested and approved!

I hope you try and enjoy these simple treats!

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  1. Oh Elizabeth...these ALL looks so yummy! And easy too...I'm all about EASY! That cranberry trail mix bark is something that I may just have to try! Thanks so much for sharing your great ideas! I pray you and yours have a blessed Christmas!

  2. Oh elizabeth these look so yummy and so glad to have douind your blog. You exhbit such a swee?t spirit . Thanks for sharing this and for being you. Do yo u live in oregon?

  3. Simple is my kind of treat, especially this time of year!
    Mary Alice


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