
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A new-old ironstone bowl and other simple pleasures...

Sometimes the simple things are the best things, 
like a two dollar and some odd cents grocery store hyacinth
sitting on the dining room windowsill,
 blooming in the chill of winter.

To me, white ironstone is another lovely simple thing, some may even call it plain.

I saw a beautiful ironstone bowl on a favorite blog two years ago
I filed it away in my memory as one of those things to keep an eye out for when I was antiquing or thrifting.
Several times I did see an ironstone bowl just like the one on the blog, 
but they were always more than I wanted to spend.
Then, two years later,  I found this one for a third of the price I had seen the others.

 It sits on my knockoff restoration hardware shelf next to another old ironstone bowl 
that I've had for a long time.

Creamy white Trader Joe's roses from my husband,
are a simple and inexpensive gift of love.
I'm thankful for affordable flowers so I get them more often!

still following,



  1. I love white ironstone too but you have to be patient to find affordable pieces. Your bowls are both gorgeous!

    1. Lynda, I can sometimes find ironstone at the thrift stores if I'm really lucky! This bowl was at an antique store and I'm surprised at the price I got it for. Not sure this dealer knew the prices others charge for one this size, or perhaps he/she just wanted to move their merchandise.

  2. I so agree Elizabeth.. sometimes the most beautiful and cherished things are the most simple... I know I would rather have an old white ironstone bowl or pitcher or an old plate for a gift than an expensive piece of jewelry any day... Love all your special pieces and the roses too. Blessings!

  3. LOVE those old bowls! Just too fun! I've got a big stack of them sitting in the corner of my office here at home ... here's a peek ...

    1. I love your stack of bowls on the chair. I have the ones with the pink and blue stripes just like you as well as the plain ironstone.

  4. Simple is beautiful. Love white ironstone and your hyacinth is beautiful as are your roses.

    1. I was just saying, I have to say no to myself about more ironstone...I do live in a pretty small house!

  5. Simple pleasures are the best, for sure! LOVE ironstone too!!
    Mary Alice

  6. I love ironstone so much, but really need to stop. My little house only has so much room!

  7. I adore ironstone--and grocery store flowers! When the snow melts, I need to refresh the bouquets on my dining room table.

  8. I do love the gorgeous simplicity of ironstone, Especially when you find it at a great price! You do need a big white cupboard! Haha!

  9. You do bless me, you know! I love your simplicity and beauty.

  10. I love all of your simple touches, and how you find beauty in everything!!

  11. You have such an eye for beauty. Love taking a peek of life through your eyes.

  12. I love ironstone too. The flowers look amazing in the little bowl. I will be "borrowing" your idea!


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