
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Clear skies...

I woke up to fog and freezing temperatures,
 so the drive to church this morning was a bit treacherous.
The road was covered with frozen fog.
The hot cup of coffee I planned to sip on as I drove,
sat in the cup holder getting lukewarm while I white knuckled the steering wheel with both hands.
The long bridge across the Columbia River was up ahead, 
and I just knew that it would be the iciest part of the drive.
But, halfway across the bridge, I drove right on out of the fog.
The roads became clear.

Sometimes circumstances leave us feeling lost in the fog,
We white knuckle our way through situations that feel treacherous.
Choosing to give thanks is like looking at the circumstances from up above the fog.
Suddenly, everything looks a bit more clear,
our footsteps feel more secure as we realize that no matter what we go through,
underneath us is the Rock, Christ Jesus.
And that is something to give thanks for.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-watercolor painting with the two oldest grands
-the grands watching "What Does the Fox Say" over and over and laughing each time
-the Hubs rubbing my aching neck and back while we watched a favorite show

-God's faithfulness to us in 2013
-our daughter 16 weeks along with our miracle grand baby 
-dinner and games with friends

-these words on Julie Garmon's blog, "You'll never need more than I can provide."
-lots of free books for download from Beth Moore
-the whole family over on New Year's Day for a dinner of homemade shredded pork burritos
-the three oldest grands over for a sleepover

-only grandson asking me to say prayers with them before bed

-pancake and sausage breakfast with the grands

-taking three more boxes of stuff to the Goodwill as I work to get rid of excess stuff
-an amazing sunset!

-a date with the Hubs, totally planned and paid for by our youngest daughter for our Christmas present

-blue skies
-eating healthy and running after the overindulgence of the holidays
-these words, "I trust You, Jesus"

-driving out of the fog into blue skies on the bridge over the Columbia
-Mt. St. Helens so clear on the way to church, and Mt. Hood so gorgeous on the way home
-lunch with family and friends

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. so glad you made it safely on the bridge that would really scare me.

  2. Hey, that Vancouver sky! Maybe we snapped our pictures at the same time? So much to be grateful for--here's to safe driving. It was pretty icy/foggy up Seattle way this morning, too.

  3. Elizabeth...what lovely images of your blessings for the week! That pink sky was amazing!


    1. I was actually just bringing some boxes of stuff to the Goodwill when I captured that amazing sky. Love when God blesses us in the middle of our mundane!

  4. I say this all the time, but I love your lists! They always bless me and trigger blessings of my own over on this side of the continent!

  5. I must have missed the previous post telling about your future grandchild, congratulations to all. This is such happy news, God is so full of surprises. That is such a happy thought to start out the day, the gift of a child.

    1. Yes! We are so excited! We will know if it's a boy or a girl by the end of this month.

  6. I was glad I didn't have to drive in that freezing fog yesterday morning! What blessings God gives - even in the middle of rough spots, He keeps giving.

    1. The Hubs goes to the church by 6am, so he had warned me about the ice. Thankful for His safekeeping!

  7. Absolutely beautiful and I, like Ginger, love your lists! Love your blog too and thanks for sharing from your heart. Blessings upon blessings the Lord gives us.

    1. Thank you, Carol. The blessing has been mine in keeping the list. God has changed me through gratitude!

  8. Your gratitude and thanksgiving list is wonderful as always. (LOVED the date night part. What a nice gift.) My favorite part of this post, though, was the life lesson at the beginning with the white knuckles. So very, very true.

  9. I sure do wish we could meet one day. We have lots in common. Love you, my new and precious friend.


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