
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cranberry-Orange Buttermilk Cake...

There are some flavors that are just meant to go together.
Cranberry and orange is a match made in heaven.

I know it may be difficult for you to find fresh cranberries now that the holidays are over,
but do yourself a favor and make a point to make this cake next year if you can't find fresh cranberries now.
The only change I made to the recipe in the link above, 
was that I made a glaze for the top out of the juice of one orange and some powdered sugar.

This cake is perfect for a breakfast coffee cake or for a not too sweet dessert.

And for a recipe using dried cranberries try my cinnamon cranberry bread recipe.
I always add the zest of an orange to it now...
and toasted with a smear of orange marmalade on top....oh my!

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  1. Looks and smells delicious!! Can't wait to make it!! I am kind of a cranberry hoarder!! When they are in season, I buy ALOT, and freeze them in 2 cup packages. Thank you for sharing!! Yummy!!

  2. Wow! This cake is beautiful, and I bet it tastes amazing!! What a yummy flavor combo. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Elizabeth! I don't browse blogs as much as I used to (now with being mommy), but I just wanted you to know every post of yours I get to read blesses my day. Thank you!!

    1. Leslie, you are such a blessing to me as well! I hope you try this cake. It's so good!

  3. Oh,my! This threatens my resolve to avoid carbs for a while to recover from holiday indulgence, Looks delicious!

    1. Yes, I am trying to avoid the carbs too, after way to much holiday indulgence. I made this cake for a New Year's Eve get together. I've made it quite a few times in the last couple of years since I pinned the recipe.

  4. This cake is so pretty and looks scrumptious! I agree totally that cranberry and orange are a match made in heaven. So glad I put a bag of cranberries in the freezer. I shall be taking them out to try this.
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    I'm new to your blog, but love it here :)

    1. What a joy to have you come to my little place here on the web and enjoy staying around for a bit. I hope you let me know what you think of it if you make this cake!

  5. Yummy! The cake plate is pretty too.


    1. Debbi, the cake plate came in a set of two different sizes for only $19.99 at Costco last year!

  6. Right up my alley! I saw some cranberries in the store on Monday so they should probably be there. I wish I had seen this during the season because it would have made a wonderful treat when the girls were home.


    1. Hi Debbie, I've made this simple cake quite a few times since I pinned the recipe a couple of years ago. It's a keeper in my opinion!

  7. This looks so delicious because I do love cranberry and orange together!!
    Mary Alice

  8. I just got this cake out of the oven and oh my it is a coffee moment. It is great, thanks. Now I just need to know how did you make your glaze? I did find cranberries fresh but they were marked way down so I think they may be trying to get rid of them. I should go back and get more to freeze because I can see me making this again.

    1. For the glaze squeeze the juice of an orange then whisk in powdered sugar until the glaze is thick but still runny...about the consistency of ranch dressing I would say...then drizzle it on top of the cake.

  9. cranberry orange
    is one of my very favorite combinations
    and this cake looks divine

    and thank you for sharing
    at Fridays Unfolded!


  10. Yummola... I might have to try this... and a completely selfish plea... come back to Life Through the Lens. I love your photography and would love to have you link-up because it's different than most of the people who link. Okay, selfish plea over ;-). Yeah, I figured out how to comment on your blog again.

  11. A lovely taste combination Elizabeth. I'm storing this recipe for a later date. Thank you :)


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