
Friday, January 24, 2014

Deuteronomy 28:47-48...

As I thought about my weekly photo with a scripture post,
I thought of my little two dollar grocery story hyacinth that is blooming happily in my dining room.
I decided it would make a cheery photo with a verse about joy, 
since JOY is my word for 2014.
While I was reading various verses in the Bible about joy,
it was this not so cheery verse,
this sobering verse,
that I felt was the one I needed to post,
the one I needed to remember for myself.
Evidently, God takes a joyful attitude and a grateful heart pretty seriously.
It's not a nice option, like the whipped cream on top of the ice cream sundae.
It's essential, like healthy food and clean water.
It's a spiritual must have.
Our attitude in serving God,
our noticing and being grateful for our blessings,
is a key to walking in continued blessing and victory.
Murmuring, grumbling, complaining, and ingratitude is an open door to the enemy.
Joy and gratitude...somehow it doesn't surprise me that those two go together.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. So often we want to see the happy scriptures, the ones that make you feel all good inside. But we need these wake up calls as well. Thank you Elizabeth!

    1. Yes, we need all of the Word! I like the Proverb that says to the hungry even the bitter things are sweet.

  2. No, it doesn't surprise me either. That's the whole premise of 1000 gifts, isn't it? I love that verse because it's so convicting and even today so very true. How many people find themselves slaves to the world because they have voluntarily tossed aside the simple joy that comes from a grateful relationship with God. I see it all the time. They think (and I will admit that at times the "they" has been "me" as well) that something in the world will give that joy only to discover that they have become slaves to it.

    Hope that makes sense. It's a bit rambling.

    1. Debbie, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I really have felt such a change in my life since focusing on gratitude these past four years.

  3. I've backed up and read all your beautiful posts this week, and in them all I see a thread of gratitude, of searching out God and letting Him be God, of moving forward in truth. Isn't that at the heart of our obedience and gratitude--that we move forward in grace and acknowledge it as grace? Powerful words all week, friend.

    1. Thank you, Ginger. God is so good and I'm so grateful for His patient teaching in my life!

  4. Your little plant does look happy! Especially during all the super cold weather we are having here in KY! I am not sure what you are having weather wise but the little plant seems to be content... Isnt that the way the Lord wants us to be...content and happy wherever he plants us! It is our choice.. we can choose to serve and live with gladness and obedience or we can suffer the results of the bad attitude... not good! I choose Joy! Have a joyous and blessed weekend! Thanks and blessing!

  5. "Murmuring, grumbling, complaining, and ingratitude is an open door to the enemy." Boy, this sounds like me. I think all of these things are habits we get ourselves into. If we aren't in His word every day, we are for sure leaving the door for all of these thoughts to come in.

    I just finished reading a great book called "The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump." It is the story of Julie who is looking for the perfect life. She is manicured, pedicured, self-absorbed, etc. etc. She gets on a train to go on a two day shopping trip and finds herself in India, living in a garbage dump with 11 orphans. Jesus is there with her every step of the way.....showing her how to find blessings in the smallest of things. Things that she takes for granted she will learn to appreciate more and more. But she has to learn this lesson the hard way. It is a great story and I recommend reading it.

    Sorry this was so long but you post reminded me of myself and the book..



  6. I just read this verse the other day and it spoke deeply to my heart. Joyfulness and gratitude need to be as natural as the blood running through our veins! Thank you for the reminder.

    1. That's awesome that God had us in the same passage!

  7. Thank you for this picture. Thanks flor this special Biblevers and your words. What a nice mix. I have doubted this month a few times. Can Joy really be my word? I am so introvert ;-0 But now I know. I received this word because it is a journey. And I take the first steps now. Joy is Life with a capital letter. Joy is the heart of satisfaction. Hand in hand with Jesus I learn new things. In His temp. And I read it in your blog: You too.

    1. Joy can bubble up from the innermost being of an introvert too!

  8. I'm so glad we have the same word. Thanks for this message today.

  9. Oh, this is such a good verse to read and meditate on!

  10. Hi Elizabeth, I appreciate the hard words in the Bible and even more, love clear direction.he makes it plain in this scripture. Have joy, grateful. There's such sweet stillness in the picture you posted. Joy and gratitude are most easily found in the here and now. Like your plant, sometimes it's best to just be. Thanks for posting this...happy Sunday!

    1. There's a Proverb that says that to the hungry soul even the bitter things are sweet. I think when we are hungry for God and His Word, even the hard sayings become sweet to us.

  11. Hi Elizabeth, I appreciate the hard words in the Bible and even more, love clear direction.he makes it plain in this scripture. Have joy, grateful. There's such sweet stillness in the picture you posted. Joy and gratitude are most easily found in the here and now. Like your plant, sometimes it's best to just be. Thanks for posting this...happy Sunday!

  12. This is something I really need to remind myself of.

  13. Beautiful, as usual, Elizabeth. A real treat. Thank you so much for the photo and the Word. And the hyacinth are right in my favorite list of flowers, even though I don't see them often enough here. Bless you.

  14. Lovely reminder, Elizabeth. And gorgeous photography!

  15. Thank you for the reminder about the connection between joy and gratitude. My husband is continually reminding me the importance of being thankful for everything in all situations. It is something I am learning the value of day by day!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting LeeAnn! All of us need reminded don't we? It's so contrary to our flesh. But yes, its so wonderful when we do it...when we really trust that God knows what He's doing with us in all circumstances and thank Him.

  16. Wow!! The Lord is using you so much to speak to me. I'm so glad! God bless you even more in abundance with the unsearchable riches of Christ! My heart rejoices at this exhortation because it is sound and life-giving knowledge & wisdom that I hunger for daily. Blessings my friend~

  17. This is a sobering verse but being thankful and grateful are words and attitudes we must assume always. Joy - great word. Mine is follow, which is the name of your site.
    Would you consider linking to Sunday Stillness.

  18. Ahh, thanks for linking this. It is a good reminder. I think to often we forget that joy is learned. We can choose to learn to be joyful or we can serve our enemies by choosing other paths.


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