
Monday, January 20, 2014

"Entering" the season of love...

The title of this post was my attempt to be clever.
These photos are of our "entry" hall and stair landing all decorated for Valentine's Day.

You can see how I made this sweet and simple Valentine's banner here.

Then here in the entryway hall hang some little felt hearts that I made a few years ago.

These old Valentines are "vintage" from when my daughters were little girls.
(They're all in their thirties now...eeeek! did that happen?)

Hope your week is filled with love.

still following,


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  1. I've been thinking of you a lot, Elizabeth. Sometimes (I kid you not), I close my eyes and see one of those photos of your scripture studies. We're entering the season of love here, too, whilst clinging simultaneously to snowman decor.

    1. Brandee, you are a sweetheart. I think you're pretty special. :)

  2. That's my grandmother''s song. I know I've told you that before. And I love the Valentine's cards. I think I have a few in my cedar chest along with oodles of birthday cards with Barbie and Midge on them. ;) I need to dig in there after I clear out my desk...

    1. Oh, I'd love to see some of those old valentines of yours!

  3. I was JUST singing that very song a couple days ago. I miss those fun songs of yesteryear...

    1. I sing it all the time to my grand babies...along with you are my sunshine.

  4. Your Valentine's look so pretty and cheerful, Elizabeth!

    1. Thank you Lynda! I'm all about quick and easy craft and decor!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, my friend. Easy-peasy to make decorations!

  6. How beautiful! I definitely want to decorate for Valentine's Day after seeing how amazing your home looks! I sing that song to my kids at night: "I love you a bushel and a peck." My mom used to sing it to me and my grandmother to my mom :)

    1. Its such a simple craft...if you try one like it, let me know!


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