
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday's Faves...A Clean Slate

I like to have my Christmas decor put away before the New Year.
I like to start the New Year with a clean slate, in heart as well as home!

In the pre-holiday clean up I got the urge to go through cupboards and closets getting rid of excess stuff.
It didn't end there, because as I put away the Christmas decorations I ended up getting rid of three more boxes of home decor items that I decided I no longer wanted as well as some books.

I've even had a hard time spending my holiday gift cards.
I'm feeling quite choosey about what I want to bring back into the house.

Sometimes it's the simple and sweet things that bring the most joy to me in my home,
like a cheery little rosemary plant growing in the kitchen window,
or some Trader Joe's carnations in a Cheerwine soda bottle.

The rest of the Trader Joe's carnations are in a favorite pitcher sitting inside my French fruit crate on my antique trunk turned coffee table.

Since January is still winter I left some felt snow flakes hanging from my walnut shell garland.

In the dining room, my scripture verse for 2014 is written on this simple chalkboard.

On top of the dish cabinet the arrangement is pretty much the same way as I had it before Christmas.

The fireplace mantel is simplified since Christmas, but still "winter-y" until I change it when Valentine's Day draws near.

An ode to the new year, 2014,  is seen in these metal numbers.

On the other side of the living room, the old wooden cubby holds a wintery painting I did, 
my collection of three vintage cameras and bits and bobs of interesting memorabilia, 
like the Hub's old baby cup, rattle and boots and some of my favorite things I've collected here and there.

Well, that's my post holiday home.
What have you been up to so far in this new year?

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!


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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Elizabeth, you have such pretty style. I'm always knocked out by the simple beautiful touches.

  2. I so enjoy seeing your pictures of your simple yet so very tasteful decorating style. I also wanted to tell you that I will be posting a "I Am From" post tomorrow after having read yours a while back. I have also linked to your blog. Thanks

    1. Oh, I can't wait to read your "I Am From" post!

  3. I agree...having a clean slate with everything put away - feels good. I love your little rosemary pot with the red/white ribbon tied around it...adorable!

    1. That little rosemary plant has brought me a lot of smiles for two dollars!

  4. I agree so much with the clean slate. I don't know, but every year I feel the Christmas decor is so much clutter and then I long for clean simple lines. I clean out closets and get rid of things that I no longer want. I donate them. It is almost like a cleansing after the Christmas season ;-)

    1. I think the holiday excess in decor, in food, in activities gets overwhelming after a while.

  5. I love the rosemary plant with the ribbon tied around it, how pretty! I just finished putting my Christmas things away today, I'm always sad when I have to put them away every year, but I can see why it might be nice to have them all packed up by the time the new year starts... maybe I'll think about that for next year! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Maria and for your kind comment! I know some people like to keep the Christmas decorations up longer, and that's okay too!

  6. Your home a so pretty.

    "Sometimes it's the simple and sweet things that bring the most joy to me in my home." That's so true.

  7. Sorry...that should read: Your home IS so pretty. LOL

  8. Love, love the simply vignette at the kitchen window.
    As I get older I have discovered that less is more and most times makes a bigger statement.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting from Common Ground today.

  9. gorgeous! what a lovely blog, found you on nancherrow, i will be following you. you have a clean design that is so appealing~ have a lovely day

    kelly @ cowboys daughter design

  10. Love your blue and white dish towels hanging on the ladder in the last photo...


  11. I love having a clean slate too!! Your Rosemary plant is so pretty!! New Follower!

  12. All the pictures you post of your home makes me think how warm and inviting you have made it. :-) It always looks so clean.

    I went to see "The Book Thief" today. It was really good. I am just telling you because I know you and your husband like to go to the movies.

    Stay in from the stormy weather tomorrow. BRRRRRRR!

  13. Touches of spring here and there ... hoping for its coming ... soon!

    Blessings this weekend, Elizabeth!


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