
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday's Faves...a delicious, nutritious, hearty, homemade granola recipe!

I don't know why, but my favorite store-bought granola recently doubled in price!
A friend gave me her homemade granola recipe over a year ago,
and, motivated by the ridiculous price of the store-bought granola,
I decided to finally go ahead and make my own granola using her recipe.

I, as is my usual way of cooking, made a few changes to her recipe.

Here's her recipe, with my changes in parentheses.
(This is for a double batch of her original recipe.)

Preheat oven to 300degrees.
(Space the oven racks several inches apart from each other.)
Pan spray two cookie sheets. 
(I just lined them with parchment paper instead.)

In a large bowl combine:
 2/3 cup of canola oil, 
1 cup of honey or maple syrup (I used 3/4 cup of honey)
1 cup of brown sugar (I omitted this entirely)
2 Tablespoons good vanilla
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
 1 teaspoon salt
Add 6 cups old fashioned rolled oats 
4 cups of chopped pecans (that's a lot of nuts, which are pricey. 
 I used 1 cup chopped walnuts and 1 cup sliced almonds)
Stir to combine.
Divide the mixture between the cookie sheets.
Bake for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add 2 cups sweetened shredded coconut, (1 cup to each pan),
stir and return to oven for 15 more minutes until the mixture is golden brown.
Remove from oven and let cool completely.

To the entire batch, stir in 2 cups of dried fruit. 
(I used a combination of chopped dried apricots, raisins and dried cranberries.
Store in airtight container.

This is delicious for breakfast on top of some greek yogurt.

Well, it's almost Friday!
I hope you all have a 
a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. Oh Yum! Love Granola! Always looking for new recipes. Thanks! You are such a Blessing in my life!

  2. Replies
    1. It's so yummy that I had to remind my Hubs that a serving of granola isn't a whole cereal bowl full like other lighter cereals. He probably ate 4.servings of oats!😳

  3. Sounds yummy! And your little bowl is so pretty, no surprise there!

    1. I'm a shameful hoarder of cute cups, bowls, etc!

  4. i am so happy
    it's Friday!

    i love making my own granola
    and your recipe is similar to mine
    except i typically just put oats in
    because my family doesn't have
    well rounded taste buds!

    looks perfect
    for a winter morning's breakfast

    thanks for sharing
    at Fridays Unfolded!


    1. You should make the plain kind for them and some loaded with the extras for you!

  5. This looks delicious, Elizabeth! Homemade granola is one of my favourites.

  6. Thanks for your recipe. I love the last photo!

  7. Well Elizabeth, I was just having a grumble this morning about the price of what you call Granola. We call it muesli here in Australia. I'll be giving this recipe a try for sure. Thank you and thank you for linking up on Shabbilicious Friday.


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