
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Friday's Faves...Knockoff European Bread Board

I love the look of old European bread boards.
I would love to have one to add to my bread board gallery wall,
but large European bread boards can be quite pricey.

So, I had an idea involving some old pallet boards and my handyman son-in-law.
I showed him a photo of a large rectangular European bread board
and asked if he could make me one out of the old pallet board.
(I am using this for display, not to put food directly on, so I was not concerned with this being food safe.)

He made it in time to give it to me for Christmas, and I love it!
I think it's the perfect finishing touch for my bread board wall.
(And yes, my twig star from Christmas is still hanging there as well.)

Well, it's almost the first Friday of 2014!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Hey, I think yours look outstanding!!! Happy New Year!!


  2. Smiling over your bread boards. When I was a kid my dad sliced (cut of?) ​​bread on a long wooden bread board. It was quite normal. Everyone had a wooden bread board (thicker than yours, without a handle). But it was also a bit ugly. The knife made deep grooves ​​in the wood. Cleaning was difficult. And, now those boards are hanging on your wall. Without damage by cutting the bread. Great! Nostalgic and fun.

    1. But the old bread boards with the knife marks tell a story, don't they?

  3. you are so talented

    if you can't find it
    make it!

    it's been awhile
    but i wanted to let you know
    that i've brought back Fridays Unfolded for 2014

    hope you'll stop by
    (and just followed you via Bloglovin)

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  4. What a beautiful job he did! I love your collection of European bread boards.

    1. None of my bread boards are really European...I wish I could visit there and get some real ones!

  5. What a creative, eye-catching it! We were blessed to have the opportunity to live in Switzerland for awhile and I had fun visiting some of their antique stores. {The name translated into "broken houses". Kind of cool!} I was able to pick up a couple little things that were unique and enjoy seeing a bit of another world in MY world!
    Thanks for sharing your collection of bread boards...and I love that you had the European one recreated! So smart of you!

    1. Oh how I'd love to visit Europe sometime...I'd be tempted to fill a crate with treasures to bring home!

  6. I have a violin shaped one that might look nice : )

  7. REALLY nice, Elizabeth! ( I'll bet he enjoyed crafting something that you would enjoy, too....) Wondering: what would it take to make it "food worthy"?????

  8. just wanted to let you know
    that your post is featured
    on this week's Fridays Unfolded!


  9. That is awesome! I just asked my hubby a couple weeks ago if he could make me a knock off European bread board cause I'm coveting one but won't spend the money!

  10. That is awesome! I just asked my hubby a couple weeks ago if he could make me a knock off European bread board cause I'm coveting one but won't spend the money!


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