
Friday, January 31, 2014

Galatians 6:2...

The denomination I grew up in had a club for girls that had Galatians 6:2 as its theme verse.
Us girls recited our verse together each week at our Wednesday night meeting.
Next to John 3:16 this verse about bearing one another's burdens is probably
 the one most ingrained in my mind.
However,  today as my husband and I parked by the Columbia River so I could take some photos,
when I saw this tugboat the Lord gave me a whole different perspective about that verse.

In the past, this verse about bearing other's burdens felt like, well, it felt like a burden!
The image in my mind was of me being loaded down with other people's baggage so that they could be free,
in the meanwhile, I could barely crawl under the weight of the load.
In fact, that was too often how things actually felt, 
like people dumped their burden onto me and they felt better, while I felt worse!

Today, seeing the tugboat, I realized that the tugboat is not the one carrying the weight of the burden 
that the barge has on it.
The water is actually carrying the weight of that barge and its burden.
The tugboat is simply there steering it in the right direction and pushing it along on its way.
When God asks me to bear other's burdens, He's the One actually bearing the load.
I'm just to lovingly encourage them and keep pointing them in God's direction.
I'm the voice of encouragement, the hand lovingly placed on their back pushing them to keep putting one foot in front of the other,
to not give up, to not quit.

Whew!  I just felt a huge weight lift off of me with this revelation!
Don't you just love it when God uses something you've seen a hundred times to speak to you?

( In this post I am referring more to the spiritual burdens of others.
I am not implying that we don't help others in practical ways to ease their burdens,
caring for the sick, giving to the poor, etc.)

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sandra! It was an encouraging insight to me as well.

  2. Don't you just love when God opens your understanding and you get that big "AHA"! I will never look at a tugboat the same. Great post!
    Blessings, Diane

    1. Diane, I love it because I know it's God giving me understanding. In myself I'm just not that smart! :)

  3. Really loved how he changed the "old for new" in this! Thank you for sharing :) Love you ♥

  4. Really loved how he changed the "old for new" in this! Thank you for sharing :) Love you ♥

  5. For many years my husband was Chief of Navigation on the Arkansas River for the US Army Corps of Engineers (Tulsa District) so your picture and example really hit home with me--there are lots of analogies in this scenario but one other thing I thought of is this: That navigation channel has to be dredged routinely--It fills up with silt, etc and can become non-navigable if not cleaned out periodically. All that old sin has to be dredged out by the precious Holy Spirit so that our channels of love can run deep and clear--ready to be used by God at a moment's notice--that's just off the top of my head and I'm sure it could be said much better--but think you will get my drift--no pun intended--lol!

    1. That's a really interesting insight, my sweet friend!

  6. Yes yes yes! I have learned also that by praying with/for a burdened friend, I encourage them AND release the burden to the One who can actually do something about it. The friend doesn't feel alone in carrying the weight, and I'm not taking on weight I was never intended to bear the pressure of. :) God is good!

    Visiting from the Weekend Brew :)

  7. That just happens to be on the list of verses I'll be teaching in my current unit with my women's class. I love your revelation and will be so blessed to share it when the time comes. Excellent job, God.

    1. That's awesome, Debbie. So happy that God gave me something that could be of help to you, too!

  8. I agree. We are to do what we can to help in the physical realm of bearing the burdens of others, but God is the great burden bearer of us all. When we steer others to give their burdens to God, it really means something to know He will be there, lifting them up above the waters that threaten to drown them.

    Great post!

    1. Thank you so much, Dayle. Your encouragement means a lot to me.

  9. Ah! That sounds like Missionettes! I went to that little club for a year or so when I was a girl. I remember filling out the Bible-reading chart in the back of the little yellow booklet. They were probably the first ones to encourage me to read the Bible--and I didn't realize until now that that is where I learned that Scripture! Those ladies were earning "stars for their crowns" and planting seeds for His kingdom. I didn't completely understand salvation then, but knew I wanted what they had. What good memories--and what fabulous insite to this Scripture! Thank you so much for sharing this!! I think I will share this with the couple in our church who started our Awana group this fall.

  10. I love how God spoke to you - giving you a new interpretation for this verse - one that leads you to freedom and spurs you on toward helping others.

    1. Now for me just to let God carry the weight and remember not to try to do it myself!

  11. Fabulous perspective. It also reminds me of being the salt of the earth and in water with a high salt content the buoyancy upholds. Thanks so much for sharing, Elizabeth! Have a great weekend! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart

    1. That's a great thought! So happy you shared it with me.

  12. Thank you for sharing that wonderful insight, Elizabeth :)

    1. Thanks for commenting and encouraging me. What God showed me encouraged me too!

  13. Such great wisdom and insight here! Blessings!

  14. mmm ... a gentle steering, needed guidance, just for a time. yes!

    1. Thanks for always taking time to comment and know you've been here. I know that sometimes it's really hard to do that little bit extra!

  15. The water is actually carrying the burden of the weight...

    Wow. That is an awesome revelation. Thank you for sharing that. It has helped me with 'carrying' a few burdens today. They feel a little lighter now.

    Visiting from The Sunday Community. God Bless You.

    ~ Cassandra from Renaissance Women

    1. It encouraged me too, Cassandra! Thanks for stopping by.

  16. That is awesome. And something I have never considered before. I think I will be mulling that over for a while :-)
    Blessings and peace to you this Sabbath day :-)

  17. Oh my!! LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.THIS!! Great photo to go with it.

  18. Good thinkin' and sharin' as usual, Elizabeth. Was great to see this photo. I so miss your area and "my" area to the north. Would love to be there more often. Thanks. As usual, a real treat.

  19. I love how God sends us love letters in the daily - like in the tug boat!


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