
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Joy Restored...

New Year's Eve I thought to myself how good I felt about the coming New Year.
I felt full of hope and joyful expectancy about what God has in store for us for 2014.

Then I woke up on New Year's Day and thought to myself, "it's 2014!", but my mind didn't stop there.
My runaway thoughts continued, 
"in only six more years it will be 2020.  I'll be sixty-two in 2020!"
Then it got worse, "What are we going to do about retirement? 
 I wonder if we'll be in good health?"
New Year's Eve's hope and expectancy turned into New Year's Day worry, anxiety and fear,
 the kind you can feel deep in the pit of your stomach.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that I clicked open Julie Garmon's blog.
She wrote about her word for 2014, "Enough".
It's a great post.
When I got to this line that Julie felt like God had spoken to her heart, 
He used her sharing it to speak to my heart as well.
"You’ll never need more than I can provide."
The truth of this simple statement reverberated in my spirit, 
chasing worry, anxiety and fear right out the door.
I copied the sentence into my journal, wanting to remember it,
wanting to keep it ready to use as a weapon of truth against satan's lies.

If there's one thing I've learned from hanging out here in the blogosphere the last few years,
it's that the body of Christ is real, living, active and widespread.
It's way bigger than just the people within the walls of my church or the confines of a denomination.
While this on-line world has it's pitfalls of corruption,
snarky comments,
I've seen, I've received, more benefit than bad from it.
Prayer requests are prayed over, 
burdens are lifted,
encouragement is given,
truth is spoken,
and, for me today, hope and joyful expectancy joy is restored.

My word for 2014 is JOY.
Thanks, Julie.

still following,



  1. JOY! Yes, a perfect word. I look forward to taking this journey of joy with you!

    1. Thanks for being an encouragement to me on my journey!

  2. Excellent!

    I was just talking to my sister yesterday about the fact that as we get older, there is a temptation to look forward to the new year with anxiety because they just keep coming faster and faster and faster. I am going to read that blog post you linked. (I hope you linked it anyway.)

    I love the word JOY for the year.

    1. The years do keep coming faster and faster. Why is that?

  3. Oh wow! That is a great article today. Great way to equip us for the New Year. I followed your example and wrote that sentence in my journal also because that is a great defense against the lies of Satan. Have a great year and thank you for all of the time you spend on this blog, it is really a great help to me.

    1. Powerful for such a simple statement, isn't it?

  4. Wow, Elizabeth...what a great reminder of what our thought-life can do for us...negative AND positve. We sure can all fall into that "stinkin' thinkin", as Joyce Meyer calls it, and it can certainly dictate our lives if we are not careful! I have been amazed and blessed beyond what I ever thought I could be since my short stint in the blogging world...wonderful Christian women with such positive things to share! Thank you for sharing this great post.

    1. I just love Joyce Meyer! I love her teaching on the Battlefield of the Mind. Dealing with stinkin' thinkin'/renewing the mind is my favorite topic to teach on!

  5. I could so identify with the way your feelings of hopefulness swung so quickly to anxiety. I have woke up in the middle of the night with many similar thoughts and can find it hard to rest in His promises. "You;ll never need more than I can provide" is a wonderful mantra to help chase those thoughts away and rest in God.
    My word for the year is embrace...and I'm looking forward to all that He will teach me about this all it's forms! Prayers that your word "joy" will lead you on journey that will stretch and enrich you.

    1. Thank you so much Kristi for sharing your comment here. I agree with you about how fearful, anxious thoughts hit often in the middle of the night...satan just doesn't play fair does he?
      I love your word for 2014! Embrace...what a great word!

  6. Oh my, what a wonderful post. Don't we all suffer from runnaway thoughts. I have been reading Corrie Ten Boom's books and she always said "You'll never need more than I can provide". What beautiful words to live by. What a wonderful promise from the Lord. I thank you for these words of wisdom today. They have brought peace to my heart. I will be putting these words in a place where I can see them daily, to remind me that the Lord is with me and all of us, and we will never need more than he can provide. Love your word for 2014 "Joy".
    My word for this year is grateful, for I am grateful for all things that he provides.
    Have a wonderful day ;-)

    1. That's a good idea! I think I'll make a sign to hang up as well. Thank you so much!

  7. Thank you, this is an excellent reminder!! XXOO

  8. Thank you for sharing this today. It's a reminder I needed for the road I'm walking right now. We didn't know if we would ever be able to retire because of past financial losses and the scary world of retirement ahead of us. Now we've been retired for over a year and we continue to see God's provision for each day is actually more than enough! He is faithful! He hasn't failed us in the past - and He's not going to fail us in the future. By the way, sixty-two is wonderful! It came and it went and God makes every moment sweet. Because He is there!

    1. Thank you for your hope-filled comment, friend!

  9. What a great post to share! In 2020 I will be 72. What? When did that happen? Actually, today I went to renew my drivers license and it hit me also. I am a worrier. I have out of control anxiety. The only thing that gets me through is the knowledge that God is in control. We are retired and so far, God has not let us down...not that He would...Be not afraid. And yes, joy is a great word for 2014. Happy New Year!

    1. Ginny, it's odd the things that can trigger fear and anxiety. I do know that fighting it with the truth is the answer. Thank you for your kind comment, and Happy 2014 to you!

  10. How wonderful. Love your little quote, so powerful. Joy restored, what a blessing to you and for us to remember too.

    1. It is a powerful little sentence, isn't it? I'm so thankful that God used it to help, not only me, but many others as well!

  11. Just wrote a comment but didn't see it appear. Am double-checking with this one....

  12. Okay, I don't see the first one so I'll rewrite it. Thank you, thank you, Elizabeth. I can SO relate to your post. And I'm right behind you. I'll be 60 in 2020. Your thoughts sound just like mine. Isn't this why we write???!!! To touch hearts and connect. And you sure did mine.

    All my love.

    1. Thank you so much, Julie. Your post was such a blessing to me!

  13. Thanks for this, Elizabeth! I'm going to check out the link. He does give enough. Enough grace, enough strength for each day. I've seen Him do it enough times!
    My word is Thank. As in verb form.

    1. Carol, Julie is a dear, I'm sure you'll like her blog.

  14. JOY. A sweet fruit of the Spirit, an attitude that sends the enemy packing his bags. What a word to accompany you into this next lap of the journey, Elizabeth.

    Yes, even as we age and peer ahead at 2020 ... or next week.

  15. Joy is a wonderful word! For the past year, I've tried to choose to feel joy. I have to remind myself daily but it really is a choice. I choose joy. "You'll never need more than I can provide." Powerful.

    Happy 2014, Elizabeth! xo

  16. You bring joy to everyone who comes to read. I pray God makes joy abundant in your life in 2014. Hugs!


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