
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Romans 15:13...

I'm sure I've shared this scripture before.
It's Romans 15:13 from the Amplified Bible, one of my favorite verses.
This week, as it came up in my devotional reading,
two new things struck me.
(I love how God's Word is like that!  
God reveals new things to you in something you've read over and over and over!)
First of all, it was always the word hope that stood out to me before,
but this time I realized that this scripture talks about HOPE, JOY and PEACE.
That's a powerful three-fold cord!
The next thing that stood out to me is that it's by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes we just can't drum up any more hope, can't muster up joy, can't manufacture peace.
We need the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to give us the hope, joy and peace that comes from God.
And lastly, I love that God doesn't want to give us these things in an amount just enough to survive.
He's the God of more than enough!
He gives us hope that overflows and bubbles over!
I always imagine a fountain when I read those words.
He gives us enough hope, joy and peace, not just to sustain ourselves, but to refresh others.
Don't you just love it?
Don't you just love Him?
He's so good to us!

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. God is good. He is the almighty and our strength. With him, whom shall we fear? nothing for HE is always victorious

    1. God is good...all the time! Thank you for being a great encourager to me!

  2. NIV has "as you trust in Him", instead of "in believing". Elizabeth, I wrote this verse down several days and have been carrying it with me everywhere. Isn't is wonderful how you can read a verse time and again, and new insights come even after many years of doing so? Be blessed!......
    and Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer! (Rom 12:12)

    1. "as you trust in Him" is way more easy to grasp than "in believing". Thanks for sharing that Carol!

  3. Bubbling over to share with others. Yes, I love that!

    1. Me too! I want God's joy, peace and hope to splash on others through me!

  4. Thank you for sharing this revelation. I am so grateful that God gives me enough hope, joy and peace. He knows exactly what I need.

  5. Bubbling over, a fragrant offering, a true delight to Him and to others. Beautiful, Elizabeth. Beautiful!

  6. lovely thoughts, Elizabeth - lovely and full of spiritual nutrient!

  7. "The God of more than enough", that is the part I loved from your article today. I once read a book about Limiting God. I wonder how often do we do that because we sometimes feel that we are just getting by with barely enough. When God blesses it is always enough and then some. How wonderful to have more than enough, enough to share with others and it just keeps on coming.

    1. Yes, I agree...He really does give us more than enough if we only have eyes to see how much we have!

  8. Dear Elizabeth
    It took me quite a long time to unlearn to try to muster up my own hope, peace, joy and even faith. Until the day when our Pappa showed me that I was looking through my religious spectacles. What joy and hope filled my heart when I was finally able to allow Him to fill my heart with Jesus' life.
    Blessings for 201; XX

    1. I think the greatest thing I've learned, which is in agreement with your comment, is that I am incapable of even loving God without His love flowing into me and through me. He is the source of all life giving things.

  9. "He is the God of more than enough." Hallelujah!

  10. "The next thing that stood out to me is that it's by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Sometimes we just can't drum up any more hope, can't muster up joy, can't manufacture peace."

    Yes, so very true. Thanks for linking again, I missed you :) And I love that fountain... the two tone is pretty fantastic.

    1. Lisa, praying for God to give you His overflowing HOPE, PEACE AND JOY as you go through this time of uncertainty re. your husband's military career.

  11. He always gives abundantly more than we can ask or possibly imagine...He is generous and delights in giving to us. We are a blessed that call Him Lord!

    1. I agree...if we love to give good gifts to our children and grandchildren, how much better of a Father is God? He WANTS to give us overflowing HOPE, JOY and PEACE!!!

  12. Gorgeous connection as usual. Thanks much, Elizabeth.

    1. Thank you, my friend. You are a great encouragement.

  13. God is hope. What is hope in something that can be seen? In this world, we hope for things to happen. In God, he is the hope and it will happen.


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