
Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Power of Gratitude...

I've been thinking about my word for 2014, JOY.
In fact, I've been thinking about the all the fruit of the spirit words,

First of all, these qualities are of the Spirit, not something we can drum up by self will.
The Amplified Bible says that it is a work that the presence of the Holy Spirit within us accomplishes.
However, I don't think His work happens in us against our will while we just passively do nothing.
My opinion is that we must desire, ask for and cooperate with the work that the Holy Spirit wants to do in us.

That being said, what I've been thinking about all of those words is that they are often seen as "soft" words, words with an almost feminine quality to them, not words associated with courage or strength.
Yet, in God's kingdom, these are not weak words but MIGHTY WEAPONS.
For example, in Nehemiah 8:10, it says that the JOY of the Lord is your STRENGTH and STRONGHOLD.
JOY is a powerful thing, not a case of the giddy giggles.

What does this have to do with gratitude?
If you read this post by Ann, you know that she wrote about when Jesus healed the ten lepers
only one returned to thank Him.
It was to that one that Jesus said, "Your faith has made you well, ("sozo")."
That word means whole, complete salvation and deliverance.
Gratitude is a powerful instrument that God wants to use to make us whole, complete and free!
This year I'll be celebrating my fifth year of counting my blessings,
and I can tell you personally that gratitude, is indeed, a powerful, life changing thing.
And so, I'm still counting.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-great phone conversation and prayer with my (in)courage group co-leader
-reading scripture I've read so many time before, but seeing it with new eyes
-free downloadable Jesus Project memory prints

-back to the beginning-reading in Genesis with She Reads Truth
-the blessing of friends, old and new
-texts with the Hubs throughout the day
-grocery shopping-having more than enough food in the cupboard

-a rainy day to read and write
-homemade stew and cornbread
-the two oldest grands spending the night

-a really sweet time in the Word
-and a really sweet time praying on my walk/run
-two young women in our church encouraging me as I listened to them tell me 
what God is doing in their lives

-veggie frittata for date day breakfast
-driving with our second born and her family and meeting our firstborn and her family at a post holiday Christmas gathering with my Hub's sister and her family
-my wonderful sister-in-law and her family

-a helpful customer service rep on a call about a missing package
-the satisfaction of getting some chores done in spite of the "I don't want to do this" feeling
-a warm, dry house on a very stormy, rainy, windy day

-powerful worship songs that declare truth
-the joy that God gives is powerful
-attending a happy, long waited for wedding

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Five years of counting, that's truly inspiring! I love reading your gratitude lists each week. Blessings!

    1. Hi, friend. Thank you so much. Your post today on comparison was brave and wonderful.

  2. Your gratitude list always causes me to be grateful in my own heart. I know I have a list of my own, but there's just something about reading someone else's list that blesses me. Thank you for continuing in this listing!

  3. Good morning, Elizabeth. I was just wondering if your photos are showing us a room we don't normally see. You often show us your kitchen and living room. I don't believe I've seen your lovely wall of books before. Is this your study? Obviously, your point was the Scriptures (which look great, by the way) but I've always wondered about the parts of your house you don't share with us (being a nosey thing.)

    I'm glad you share your blessings with us every week. It has encouraged me to record mine, as well. Yesterday we celebrated the ten year anniversary of our church, and the faithful service our founding pastor and his wife. I've realized the thank you note I wrote to them should be part of my gratitude list.

    Have a blessed week. Enjoy those beautiful grandchildren you've been blessed with!

    1. Hi Marilyn...that's my home office. Here's a copy of the post on my blog where you can see more of it.

  4. That was a great post by Ann! I, too, have been counting the gifts. It has been such a blessing and I find a necessity each day to focus on God's goodness. Giving thanks is such a powerful tool against the wiles of the enemy. I might need to print some of those cards out too...thanks so much for sharing! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart


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