
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter never lasts forever...

My heart is hurting tonight.
Not for myself, but for those that I know who are hurting.

For the wife facing her husband's cancer diagnosis.
For the mama and daddy who's baby is fighting to live.
For the person fighting depression and anxiety.
For the woman who battles loneliness.
For the ones who wonder if God has forgotten His promises to them.
For the mama who fights a daily battle to not be overcome with all that she needs to do, 
all that she needs to be.
For those in the middle of a financial crisis.
For the one who's child has turned away from the God he was raised to love and serve.
For some reason, I'm feeling your pain tonight and I'm carrying it to the only One I know who can help.
I felt that He wanted me to tell you that winter never lasts forever.
He's the one who promised that as long as the earth lasts there will be planting, (spring), and harvest, (fall), summer and winter, day and night. (Genesis 8:22)
I've been in a winter season that I felt might never end before...
a long season of trial and testing that I wasn't sure we'd survive.
But, one day, I started to see the signs of hope, like the daffodils that are even now beginning to poke up through the soil in my yard.
Sure enough, my season of winter eventually turned into spring.
Can I encourage you to begin to look for the signs, the signs that your spring is coming?
In the middle of your dark days of winter, look for the signs of God's presence, His goodness,
look for the signs of life, of hope.
Give thanks instead of giving up.
Spring will come friend.
Winter never lasts forever.
That's a promise.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-my Hub's being such a good dad and papa-
him watching the grandkids, cleaning her house, 
(or supervising the grandkids to help clean up the house),  
and buying our daughter flowers when she had to go to the ER with possible gall bladder issues
-her being fine and her pregnancy and baby is well
-spring flowers at the grocery store


-another layer of healing
-a beautiful winter day for a run
-(in)courage group leaders spree cast
-talking and praying with my co-leader/friend
-a text from my missionary brother
-praying for a friend via Facebook

-trying to jog while pushing youngest granddaughter in her stroller

(I jogged her to sleep!)

-picking her big sister up from pre-school and seeing her playing with some other little girls
-a really good conversation with the hubs
-a great deal on some necessary car maintenance

-foggy mornings
-blue skies in the afternoon
-pink roses, juicy orange oranges, color!

-an invitation to meet our oldest daughter and her family for lunch
-coffee after lunch at our youngest daughter's Starbucks
-watching On Golden Pond snuggled up with the Hubs

-frost on all the rooftops as I look out the upstairs window
-our church's leaders all pulling together when one person is hurting
-God presence with me as I cleaned house and prayed

-during church the Hubs sending me and another couple over to the home of someone who couldn't come to church to pray with them
-lunch with a new family from church
-on the drive home from church, blue skies but a perfect ring of clouds at the base of Mt. Hood with the top of it's snow covered peak peeking through

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Your words are such a blessing. I've been in a winter season, and in many ways I still am. Yet He shows me glimmers of hope every day. Your blessings encourage my heart to see the beauty all around me. Have a beautiful week.

    1. I know you have been. Sending you love and praying for spring.

  2. wow so much... and so heavy but so good too. thanks

  3. How wonderful that God has put these needs on your heart. Yes, it can feel like winter may never end. But thank you for the prayers and for the eyes to see the hope the Lord gives us. And I'm getting back to listing my thanks. My heart has really missed that!
    Blessings, Janis

    1. Janis, in realizing that every single day I find things to thank God for, even on the hard days, I've come to realized how very blessed I am.

  4. Beautiful heart-friend you! Blessed to let these words drip down into my soul today. xo

  5. Beautiful gratitude list, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I know I tell you this all the time but you are my encourager.


    1. Oh, Debbi, that blesses me more than you know.

  6. I'm always encouraged in the dead of winter to be reminded that spring is on the way. Thanks for doing that, Elizabeth. My winter hasn't been too cold or too dark but cold enough and dark enough that I still am watching for the first daffodils brave enough to poke through the ground. So thankful that God always gives us hope.

    1. I'm so glad my post encouraged you in some small way. You've have been such a blessing to me since I first started blogging.

  7. Thank you Pastor Elizabeth, this was a very timely reminder and encouragement. Especially the phrase "signs of hope" which goes hand-in-hand with recognizing the blessings all around that I've been hearing as well.

    After what seems like a long, cold, and dark night, it is reassuring to see the flickering glow and feel the warmth of the Sunlight emerging on the horizon with the encouragement that a new day is dawning.

  8. Visiting from Holy Experience. Love your post, especially the part about winter not lasting forever. I live in Alaska and need that reminder and hope!

    1. I'm so glad you popped over from A Holy Experience! I bet you do need a reminder that spring will come living in Alaska! How short are your days?

  9. What a beautiful, encouraging blog. I hear singing a song in my head about spring now. :-) Thank you for this hopeful, joyous words.

    1. Thank you dear one. So glad this post blessed you.

  10. My husband and I call it being in the wilderness, where we've been for several years. I like the word "winter" better because to me it's a word with more hope...spring!
    Encouraging post, Elizabeth!
    Mary Alice

    1. Oh, Mary Alice, I feel so bad that you've been in a wilderness season and I haven't know though we communicate back and forth via our blogs. If you ever need prayer just email me via the contact email on my blog. Much love to you.

  11. Tears ran down my face as I read your reminder that this winter season won't last forever! And I see signs of Spring all around me. Thinking of the old Gaither song I love - 'Thank God for the promise of Springtime - once again my heart will sing.' See you, soon, dear friend.

    1. I love you, friend. I'm glad this blessed you.

  12. Love your list. It speaks volumes about you. And so does your praying for the hurting. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Susan, for your kind words.


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