
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday's Faves....a day at home in the kitchen, a birthday dinner and a new tablecloth

I don't think we've had a "normal" day since before the big snow earlier this month.
I do love my routine, perhaps a bit too much.

Today is my husband's birthday!
We will be busy at the church today, so we had a family birthday dinner for him last night.
I purposely scheduled a "stay at home" day yesterday so I could gather my wits about me,
get some things done at home, and spend the afternoon in the kitchen.
I love stay at home days!

I started the birthday dinner prep by setting the table.
I finally got a chance to use the new tablecloth I picked up at TJMaxx some months ago.
I love the tablecloth and I enjoy setting the table special for the people I love.

I cooked all afternoon, which I also enjoy.
It satisfied both my need for creativity, and with worship music playing in the background it
was therapeutic and comforting after a hectic couple of weeks.

I thought it would be fun to serve our dinner in courses.
(I don't think we've ever done that with the grandkids before.)
The first course was a homemade cream of asparagus soup.
(This was a spur of the moment idea after I found a bunch of limp asparagus in the refrigerator that needed to be used up.  Most everyone loved it, even the grandkids!)
Then we had a spinach salad with pear, feta cheese, candied walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette.

               We also had homemade french bread using my favorite recipe from Dreamy Whites.
The main course was roast beef, salmon, mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted carrots, and mashed sweet potatoes for the grand girlie that doesn't like white potatoes.

The dessert was warm berry crisp with vanilla ice cream.

But the birthday boy who had to have a sugar free pie from the bakery 
topped with a scoop of sugar free ice cream.
He said it was very good.
We all had a great day!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. Happy Birthday to your husband! How wonderful to have the family there to celebrate and to have that fabulous meal.

  2. You need to share this in our group. Soooooo beautiful Elizabeth!

  3. Beautiful table and I'm sure dinner was wonderful! Glad you could all be together to celebrate Steve's birthday!

  4. What a wonderful birthday dinner! I love your table and the meal sounds scrumptious! Is that the tablecloth you got when we went shopping out by the airport? It's perfect on your table.

    1. It is the tablecloth we bought together. Why does are fun day seem months ago when it was only weeks ago???

  5. Your menu sounds delicious. I do wish I enjoyed cooking more...

    1. Yes, but you're the queen of homeschooling! We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

  6. Elizabeth. Wish I was there so beautiful & all so Yummy! Happy Birthday to your Hubby! God Bless You & your family.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun to have a girlfriend dinner party with our (in)life after fifty group? I can dream!

  7. What fun! I love stay-at-home days, and combined with a party and good food--all the better!

  8. What a fun way to celebrate! I love the tablecloth and settings. Happy birthday to your man! Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  9. Happy Birthday to your husband! I am just like you in that I get ferhoodled when I don't have a routine. I have had anything BUT a routine for weeks now, too.

    But it's all good.

    Your table is beautiful and the food sounds even better.

    1. God's been convicting me to relinquish my time and routine to Him!

  10. Giving praise & thanks to God for bringing you & your blog into my life when I needed encouragement. He knows us so well, & He sends people into our lives that can minister to our hearts & spirits. Thank you for answering His calling & doing His will in your life. Your words of encouragement have been a balm to my heart, mind & spirit & have blessed me!
    P.S. I really missed the blog when it was down for just that short amount of time.

    1. What a blessing it is to know that my blog has been an encouragement to you!

  11. Beautiful table setting, Elizabeth! I love my routines too. :)

  12. I hope his birthday weekend was fabulous!


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