
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snowy week thanksgiving ~

When the weather forecast called for freezing rain on top of the recent snow 
we knew we would have to cancel church this morning.
Snow in Portland, Oregon is rare enough that it doesn't take much to shut down the city.
 This week we got a good amount of snow, topped by a good amount of ice.

It felt odd to be home and not at church on a Sunday morning.
My husband and I listened to a favorite church service online
and enjoyed a breakfast of crepes.

Shortly after that I went to turn on the water in the tub and nothing came out.
In fact, none of the water in the house would turn on.
The main pipe leading to our sprinkler system had burst at the connection.
Water was pouring out at an alarming rate.
Thank God!  Because we were home we discovered it and were able to shut the water
 off at the main right away.
Then, by the afternoon, the roads had thawed enough for our handyman son-in-law 
to come over and repair the pipe.
He even went under the house to make sure there were no other pipe problems.
The roads were passable enough that we piled in his van, bought some pizzas to-go at a favorite spot,
and enjoyed the pizza with our whole family at our oldest daughter's house.
It was a great first outing out of the house since the snow started on Thursday!
By the time we got home the glue on the pipe fitting was dry so we could turn the water back on.
We survived "Snowmageddon 2014" and things are getting back to normal.
That's a whole lot of things to be grateful for all in one day!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God speaking to me through His Word
-time to work on my writing project
-a great prayer time on my run
-a creative idea on my run
-homemade chili simmering on the stove

-oldest daughter and her family joining us for dinner

-snow flurries
-grocery store tulips

-youngest granddaughter spending the night 

-the way youngest granddaughter says "buttah" for butter and "surbup" for syrup
-sunshine, cold temps and less wind than the weatherman indicated
-oldest daughter, son-in-law and five year old granddaughter safely home from the Seahawk's parade 
in Seattle...big sister and little sister so happy to be back together

-reading 1,2,3 John with She Reads Truth
-all our family safe and warm in our homes
-the hubs and I listening to Don Potter, a warm fire in the fireplace, reading our Bibles

-walking around our neighborhood in the snow, taking photos

-heat on, fire in fireplace, wrapped in an electric blanket 
-an easy dinner of yummy leftover soup

-snuggled in bed drinking my morning coffee and watching more snow falling
-getting a good work out walking around the neighborhood in the unshoveled shin high snow
-a lazy snow day, reading, watching a favorite old movie

-listening to church online and eating crepes for breakfast
-catching a broken water pipe before a huge disaster resulted
-my son-in-law helping us by repairing it for us
-buying pizzas and getting to eat them with our whole family

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. That is the cutest pic of your granddaughter and she looks just like your hubs to me. Looks like a great week--so glad you caught the leak early--what a blessing!

    1. Yes, she looks like a Stewart! Her big sister looks like her daddy's side of the family. One of each!

  2. Beautiful list of blessings. So thankful the leaky pipe got fixed before disaster hit. Hope the snow lets up soon!

    1. The snow is melting and yes, thank God that found the broken pipe right away and that it's all fixed!

  3. I just LOVE your blog Elizabeth! I look forward to reading it ♥ love you so!!

  4. Elizabeth, you were very blessed to find the burst pipe and to have been at home when it happened. I have two friends who weren't so lucky. Love your thanksgiving, especially the picture of you in the snow. We're gearing up for more snow midweek over here in Maryland. Needless to say I'm excited about winter ending... :-)

    1. I'm so happy to "meet" you via this comment, Allison! Stay safe in the cold weather! Thank God, spring will come.

  5. Elizabeth, I love your gratitude list. Look forward to reading it every Monday AM. Thanks for sharing and encouraging.


  6. You look so healthy -walking out in the winter weather :) Your days HAVE had their share of sweetness...enough to balance out the bursting pipe, etc. Personally, I've had enough snow. January was a record year for snowfall here, and February has had its share of snow AND cold! Brrrrrrrrr. Spring sounds VERY good to me at the moment!

    1. Today our snow is almost all gone, and it felt so good to get to go out and about after being cooped up!

  7. Such a beautiful post, as always, Elizabeth! In Georgia, we're expected a second round of snow/ice this week. Can't believe it.

    Your pictures are simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    1. Thanks, Julie! Stay warm and safe. Our snow is finally gone. It felt so good to get out and about today!

  8. Beautiful pictures! I've been looking at them on fb and thinking I'm really glad we are dealing with the snow. Although here in the deep deep South, we had our share at the beginning of February. Home for a few days because of road conditions (didn't hurt my feelings). Although a few days home without others around can sometimes cause cabin fever. It was a great time to get some much needed cleaning done and yes some me time to read. Luckily we didn't have broken pipes. Glad to see you're having fun even when it is freezing! By the way, you look great!

  9. Beautiful pictures! I've been looking at them on fb and thinking I'm really glad we are dealing with the snow. Although here in the deep deep South, we had our share at the beginning of February. Home for a few days because of road conditions (didn't hurt my feelings). Although a few days home without others around can sometimes cause cabin fever. It was a great time to get some much needed cleaning done and yes some me time to read. Luckily we didn't have broken pipes. Glad to see you're having fun even when it is freezing! By the way, you look great!

    1. I'm so happy to "meet" you! Today was my first day out and about since the snow is finally almost gone. I was getting a bit of "cabin fever" and it felt so good to get out!

  10. I'm visiting from Ann's today. What beautiful photos and I'm very thankful that you were able to catch the burst pipe in time! I enjoyed your list of blessings. Have a wonderful day!

    1. It's always nice to meet another gratitude gatherer! So glad you popped in here at my place!

  11. It was a beautiful few days if you didn't have to go far! Thanks for the great photos and the reasons to be thankful - in spite of the weather. Thanking God that the broken pipe was found and repaired without damage.


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