
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday...

I don't think it would be appropriate to thank the Lord that our team won the Super Bowl.

But, I do think that it's appropriate to thank the Lord that the person that I'm pretty sure is
 the original Seattle Seahawk's 12th man, their true number one fan,
 got to experience the team he's loved since he was a wee little boy win the Super Bowl.

This is a picture of my daughter and Seahawks crazy son-in-law's two little girls, 
our two youngest granddaughters, on Super Bowl Sunday.

 This isn't what they wore just to watch the game, this is what they wore to church,
the church my son-in-law, the original Seahawk's 12 man,  pastors.
He wore a Seahawks jersey to preach.
In fairness, it was wear your favorite team's shirt day at their church,
 so everyone was free to wear their favorite sports gear.
They just only let the Seahawks people come in though.

My son-in-law is one of those steady type personalities, 
but is crazy passionate when he talks about two things,
Jesus and the Seahawks.
So yes, I'm thankful he got to experience his team winning the big game.

While our church's youth leadership put on a big Super Bowl party at our church,
our second born daughter and her husband invited us to watch the game at their house.
My nine year old grandson is old enough to really understand and like football now,
but says he can't concentrate on what's happening in the game with bunches of people around and lots of noise.
So, instead of partying with the crowd at church, we opted to go to our daughter's and watch the game with them and our only grandson, (until number two grandson arrives in June!),
 and oldest granddaughter.
While my husband is a huge sports lover, I have a confession to make...
this is the first Super Bowl I've actually paid attention to and watched.

Hey, maybe I was the missing lucky charm all these years!
The first year I watch it and our team wins!
Or was it the first year our team was in it?
I have no idea.
What I do know is that God is good and worthy of praise and thanksgiving,
no matter who wins the Super Bowl!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-starting a new She Reads Truth devotional
-four year old granddaughter memorizing her first big girl scripture verse
-an evening relaxing by the warmth of the fireplace with my husband 

-the Hubs realizing that some weeks taking only one day off isn't enough
 and taking an extra one this week
-working with my (in)courage group co-leader, sharing the load

-having a friend from church over for tea
-trying a new recipe for dinner

-some quiet time to write

-all the people who prayed for Baby Cruz who is whole and healed in Jesus' arms now
-going to my granddaughter's preschool grandparent's tea

-our wonderful church worship team

-wishing my friend a happy birthday
-a super relaxing day off
-taking photos at the river

-starting the day with Jesus time always makes the day better
-God's help with an important writing project
-sun streaming through the windows
-a good talk on the phone with my oldest sister
-a text with happy news from my other sister

-the sweet presence of Jesus
-lunch with our 50and up group at church-we always end up having younger ones who join us too, which is awesome
-a fun Super Bowl Sunday

gratefully yours, 

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Congratulations to your team! (Is congratulations the right word to say? I have no clue.) I am another who has never watched the superbowl in my life. I am too daft to get football and too lazy to try. Fellowship and fun with brothers and sisters in Christ, whether they be friends or family, is worth thanksgiving to me!

    1. Debbie, all I know about football is touchdowns and field goals. The rest is "Greek" to me!

  2. It was a good game! I enjoyed watching it this year in our home (well, quiet except when we were yelling and cheering!) with my sweetheart. Just the two of us - so sweet since he returned from a two-week missions trip just hours before. I was blessed - time with my sweetheart, a chance to be at home after many long hours caring for my dear mother. And our team won!

    P.S. - I showed my dear mother the pictures of your grandchildren (on my phone). She loved seeing your grandson's joy but she studied your granddaughters and she smiled and chuckled at their beauty. I shared a bit about the miracles each of your grandchildren are, including the new baby boy coming soon. She rejoiced with you at the miracle of life that has blessed your family.

    1. Oh, I'm tickled that your mama got to see the photos of my grandkids and here what a miracle each one is!

  3. We are a huge sports family and some of our favorite times together have been watching sporting events--so glad you got to enjoy this with your sweet family.

    Thanks for encouraging us always. Love you.

  4. I admit I was pulling for the Broncos (I'm a Peyton Manning fan), but I am happy for all the Seahawks fans (and I do love their colors!). Winning isn't everything, but it sure can be fun. Enjoy the victory!

  5. Aww...those good phone conversations with siblings, that made my list too. Thanks for sharing your gifts. Stopping by from Ann's link up. Blessings...Jenna

    1. I'm really grateful for my siblings! Thanks for popping by!

  6. Enjoy the victory and your family's enthusiasm for it! Joy shared is joy multiplied, isn't it? I'm thanking God with you for all that family time. We watched the game with my parents, just the four of us. You are my linky neighbor at Ann's today.

    1. Hi my neighbor from Ann's! Thanks so much for taking time to visit me.

  7. How fun! Your family's love for the game and the team came through your post... I am not much for Sports.. We always watch the Superbowl... I usually do some project...I cook for everyone..Gotta love it when the family can celebrat together... Looks like you had a great January.. Have a great day! Blessings!

    1. I am not a sports person either, but I loved this Super Bowl!

  8. Yay for your Seahawks! Sounds like a fun, fun time!

    1. Yes, it was pretty exciting for all of us from the Pacific Northwest!

  9. What a game, right? It was unreal really - but in all the best ways! LOVED how our team glorifies God! I am visiting from the farm (Ann's link up!) and I'm glad I stopped by! Happy to be counting gifts with you today! (Go Hawks!)

    1. Karrilee, it was quite a game! Seahawks dominated! So fun to have a team from the Pacific Northwest win.


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