
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The joy of being fully known and understood...

After two weeks of topsy turvy days where normal routines were as illusive as grasping a handful of mist, today I have a blissful day to stay home. While a list of things that needs to be done awaits my attention, I knew that what I most needed wasn't to accomplish things, but was to connect with Jesus. I've had my devotions in spite of the interruptions to what is my normal routine, but there's a difference between doing devotions and meeting with the Author of the Book heart to heart.  Today I craved heart connection.

One of the scriptures I read today was 1 Corinthians 13:12.  In the Amplified Bible that verse ends with the sentence, "I am fully and clearly known and understood by God".  What a comfort that was to me today on a day when I felt frustrated with my own need for what I consider to be a "more than normal" amount of peace and quiet and alone time to think, pray, read, write and just be.  While I do believe that I tend to grasp my needed introvert time selfishly, while He's spoken to me clearly that I need to not make this an idol in my life, while He's dealing with my heart and asking me to relinquish my time to Him daily as my part in being a living sacrifice, I don't feel condemned by Him for this part of me.  I feel understood.  I AM fully known and understood by the God Who made me.

There are moments in time when God uses people to get that truth across to us, the truth that we are seen, known and loved by Him.  I hope I've been used to be that person to others.  I certainly remember those who have been used by God to be that voice of encouragement in my own life.  I'd like to share one such memory with you today.

As a pastor's wife for over 37 years, I've attended more than my share of gatherings for ministers.  These can be wonderful times of bonding, strengthening, instruction and encouragement.  In my opinion, it all depends on how real and relational those in attendance are willing to be.  I suppose, in that way, it's not that different from a retreat or conference for any group of Jesus followers.  In the case of ministers, if the focus and spirit of the event is size and effectiveness of ministry it then begins to feel to me like the popularity contests of high school.  You're in the in crowd or you're not.  I don't tolerate that very well because I'm of the opinion that the least of these are in Jesus' in crowd. In fact, I tend to think that our unknown, unseen, unheard of brothers and sisters that are serving Jesus in Africa, China, the Middle East and even the rural villages and seedy inner cities here in the U.S. are the greatest in His Kingdom.

It was at a casual gathering of pastors and pastors' wives, that I had a five minute life-changing encounter, an encounter where Jesus used someone else to show me that He saw me there, that He knows me.  It was a casual summer barbecue and a group of ladies were gathered on the backyard deck of the host's home.  Conversation was surface-y as it is when many of us didn't know one another well.  Suddenly, one beautiful woman stepped up and took control of the situation, not in the negative sense of that word control, but in the sense of guiding this group past the surface into the heart depths.  She was a beautiful, older black women.  Her husband and she have been the lead pastors of one of the oldest multi-racial churches in our city for years.  Like a mother hen, she gathered us like her little chicks.  One by one she asked us our names and some questions about ourselves.  She looked each one of us in the eye when she talked to us.  She made us feel like she was fully invested and interested in us.  As each woman spoke their name she would pause, look that person in the eye and say a word over them that started with the same letter as their name.  As I write this, it sounds like a contrived and insincere exercise, but when I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine I knew she spoke from not only her heart, but from the heart of God.  She said,  "Elizabeth, you're an  encourager."  Then she proceeded to say how important and necessary the gift of encouragement is to the body of Christ.  I've  never forgotten that encounter, the look on her face, the words she spoke over me.  God used her to speak  to me and every other women gathered around her.  In essence, she said, "God sees you, loves you, and He knows you.  You are a vital part of His body no matter how well or little you are known, no matter the size or influence of your ministry."  She not only told me I was and encourager, she made me want to be one in a greater way.  She made me want to be what she was to me that day. 

still following, 


at 3-D Lessons for Life


  1. Fully known and understood? Only God--only God knows our sincerest heart's desires from the inside out--He is all I need. What an encouragement this is to me today. Thank you, Elizabeth.

    1. That something I wrote encouraged you means the world to me, friend.

  2. Elizabeth,that prophetic friend was are an encourager. God bless your week as God holds all the pieces.

  3. Encouragement is always a wonderful gift. doesn't take too much to say a positive life building word to someone. Encouragement sometimes is like a cool drink of water... it is refreshing.

  4. Beautiful words for a beautiful lady! Thank you

  5. Wow - I needed this so desperately. My youngest daughter has been sick for a week now. Our schedule is so off. We homeschool, and needless to say, we are behind in that as well. This post is balm to my soul, thank you. I am so grateful to have found your blog recently; it is such a BLESSING!

    Thank you for alowing God to use you.



    1. Your encouraging comment blesses me. Thanks so much!

  6. Oh this was sweet to read. Because I'm glad you are able to be back writing and the sweet word this woman brought you. YES! Yes! Yes! What a gift.

    1. Oh, friend, time to write was needed and good for my soul!

  7. That was definitely a word from the Lord! You ARE an encourager. I love coming here to visit - and I love spending time with you. I always go away encouraged to be more and more the woman God created me to be and to reach a little deeper into the depths of His love.

    1. That blesses me beyond words! Thank you, my friend.

  8. Beautiful story of one with life giving words. I love your last line best...wanting to be what she was to you. What a blessing you received and then turn around and are so many! Love, Rachael @ Inking the heart

  9. You have encouraged me countless times through your words, my friend! So thankful for you!

    1. If I have encouraged you, well that blesses me so! It's Jesus in me.

  10. My spirit says a quiet (but firm) "Amen" to just about every line in this post. And when I was finished, I looked up that familiar verse in the Amplified Version for myself. Yes!

    Elizabeth, you ARE an Encourager.

  11. Her words were so true! So glad you shared them with us--it encourages us to use our gifts too. :)

  12. Love this...and it's true - in the short time I've "known" you, you have been an encouragement to me.

  13. So, so good, Elizabeth...and such an encouragement!

  14. I give praise & thanks to God for bringing you & your blog into my life when I needed encouragement! He knows our needs so well, & sends the right people into our lives when we need it most. Thank you for answering His calling & doing His will in your life. You & your blog have been a balm to my heart, mind & spirit. I am blessed beyond words to have been led to this blog!!!
    P.S. I missed the blog while it was down for that short amount of time.

  15. What a beautiful experience, Elizabeth!

    Your words "there's a difference between doing devotions and meeting with the Author of the Book heart to heart." are yet another "leaf on the vine" that He is weaving around my heart this week. I, too, am an introvert, and often feel selfish about my craving for time alone. Your words {God's words really} have reminded me that God made me this way. And while I need to have balance in this area, He knows me. My tendencies, etc. It is so freeing - so encouraging to be reminded of that. Have a blessed week!

  16. Elizabeth, what a beautiful reminder this is that we need to affirm one another. Our words have power, and we need to use them to build each other up as this sweet sister did with such grace. Love it!

    So glad you linked this post up at Thought-Provoking Thursday. :)


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