
Sunday, March 2, 2014

A busy and blessed week...

It's Sunday night.
The two youngest grand girls, ages 5 and 2, 
are squeezed between Papa and I in our king sized bed watching the Jungle Book.  
After an extra long Sunday afternoon nap, they are up past their bedtime.
Just like they are out of routine and not on their normal schedule today,
it's been an out of routine, "not normal schedule", week for me, too.
Regardless, it's still been full of blessings, 
full of beauty, 
full of reasons to give thanks.


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-the drive to downtown for jury duty went smoothly
-getting dismissed early enough to go grocery shopping
-my son-in-law's message to our ministerial network

-jury duty over at noon
-a helpful customer service rep on the phone
-getting to go on a run after sitting so much
-the hubs going to buy us coffee and coming back with a new lighter, easier to use vacuum!

-an afternoon in the kitchen cooking up a special meal for the hub's birthday dinner
-the whole family together to celebrate
-the sweet things they wrote in his cards and the cute drawings and scribbles from the littlest ones

-my hubs
-the ones who come to my two Thursday Bible studies
-a break in the rain so I could go on a walk between the two Bible studies 
-a great attendance and wonderful prayer time at our Thursday night prayer and worship

-a slow, lazy morning on our day off
-a sunny day, lunch with the hubs at a restaurant on the water

-a fun afternoon together-
(we did some shopping and stocked up on supplies in prep
 for the two youngest granddaughters spending the weekend with us)

-relaxing and watching a movie together

-the two youngest grands here for the weekend while their mama and daddy are out of town
-the conversation and laughter with them at the dinner table
-nighttime prayers, (five year old granddaughter made sure to remind me)

-our incredible Father God
-our granddaughters did well at kid's church/nursery 
-going to Red Robin after church with family and friends
-the girls both took a three hour nap!

gratefully yours, 

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Hope you had a fun weekend with the grand girls. Jungle Book was my oldest daughter's favorite as a child. I cannot wait to be a grandma!

    1. We have had a wonderful, although tiring, time with them. Busy, busy girlies!

  2. You had a busy week, for sure. I'm so thankful all went well and I'm amazed how your hubby went for coffee and came back with a vacuum cleaner! Chuckling over that, my friend. Sounds like something my sweetheart would do!

    1. Laughing that both our hubs would go out for coffee and come back with vacuum cleaners!

  3. Love this. God is good & greatly to be praised!

  4. Hi Elizabeth. I'm stopping over from Ann's Multitudes on Mondays (your link is not working correctly--you may want to check it). Counting and sharing joys is such a blessing, isn't it? Loving the image of you and your grandbabes snuggled in bed together.

  5. Hi, from over at Ann's house! Such a lovely list. Thank you for adding photos. May your week be full of laughter!

    1. so glad you popped in from Ann's place. I love to "meet" other gratitude gatherers!

  6. loved the "realness" of the scene you described to begin...

    1. Thank you, Richelle. I love my grand girlies, but they are going home in a few hours, and I may need a 24 hour long nap!

  7. There is nothing like times spent with the grands! I'm glad your jury duty was short. Hope your week is blessed beyond measure - and you jot it all down.


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