
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Battlefield Gratitude...

Since Friday I've battled against giving in to some type of cold or flu bug.
My symptoms have been a slight sore throat and ear ache and a general feeling of puniness.
My weapons have been hot tea with lots of lemon, staying home and resting, and taking Airborne.
My daughters make fun of me, saying that Airborne is to me what Windex is to Gus Portokalos,
the father in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".
Remember how he would spray Windex on everything from cuts to pimples believing it was a cure all?
Well, I'm sure it's more the prayers than the Airborne, but I haven't succumbed to being full blown sick, thank God.

This past month I've battled something else as well.
In the same way that this bug is trying to get me but I keep fighting it,
I sense the enemy is up to no good.
Of course, satan is always and ever only up to no good.
But I sense him trying to get me to succumb to frustration, to doubt, to discouragement, to fear.
I'm so thankful that I know the miracle cure for his schemes.
It's not Airborne.
It's not Windex.
It's the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
It's the truth of God's Word.
It's worshipping God, praising God and thanking God-
even if I don't feel well or don't feel like it.
These are the weapons I rely on in this battlefield.
These are my miracle cure for what, or who, ails me.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a long and lovely phone call with my friend and co-leader of my (in)courage group
and a long and lovely phone call with another friend
-blooms and blossoms all around the neighborhood

-an amazing rainbow

-a loving note from the hubs
-a yummy dinner

-a sunny day!
-walking, (and praying), around our local fitness trail
-meeting our oldest daughter and her family and our youngest daughter for dinner at Chipotle,
then walking around the mall with them

-meeting a couple of the twenty somethings from church for coffee
-another great day to go to the fitness trail to walk and run
-pink nails for spring

-homemade Irish Soda Bread and a delicious salad for dinner

-meeting one of our elder's wives for tea
-being home to relax after a long day

-a slow, lazy start to the hub's day off
-lunch together~lamb kebabs, tabouleh, hummus and pita bread at one of our favorite places
-going to our two oldest grandkids school spring program
and treating them to Dairy Queen afterwards

-a day at home in my pjs, trying to fight a "bug"
-no guilt about spending the afternoon in bed
-hot tea with lemon

-the Presence of Jesus during worship
-our "spiritual dad" preaching at our church
-lunch with the fifty somethings after church
-limelight hydrangeas on sale at the grocery store
-a fun text conversation with youngest daughter

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Elizabeth. Love reading your blogs. Encouraging. I can relate to the enemy trying to plot discouragement etc. & gratitude journaling is so good to do, keeps the gratitude going. Thank you & God Bless!

    1. I'm so grateful that God is in control and I have no need to fear or fret. Thank you, Carol, for being such an encouragement to me!

  2. It is good to slow down and take care of yourself. REST, RENEW and in soon you will be up and running again.

  3. Thankful this cold/flu has not won! Praying health and healing over you. Always love coming here to see your beautiful photos and your inspiring list of thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you dear Barbie. The hubs and I are taking a couple days off by the sea to catch up on some much needed rest. I do believe it's just what the doctor ordered.

  4. I hope you're back to normal health soon. Lovely list as always. An inspiration to keep it up.

    1. I'm feeling much better. The hubs, realizing how we both needed a little "pastoral retreat" booked an impromptu two day beach getaway. I think a walk by the sea was just the right medicine for body, soul and spirit.

  5. I enjoyed the read this morning! I have two kids "down" and thinking they'll be more. : - )

    1. Sammy, hope you and your kiddos get well soon!

  6. I am your newest email follower.... I was checking out your post from pinterest on your Restoration Hardware Knockoff Shelves & when I saw the name of your blog.... I just had to look around. What a blessing to have landed on your blog!

    1. Welcome Piper! I'm so blessed to "meet" you!

  7. Another great list! These are so fun to read. Glad you were able to slow down and rest a bit.

    Would you please pray for our family the next 2 weeks? We leave Wed for our trip to Thailand... thanks!

    1. Yes! Can I post a Pray for Jill on IG to get a group of people to pray?

  8. I felt peaceful just reading this beautiful post. Made me stop and say, "Thank You, again."

    XOXO Feel better!

    1. Julie, I'm feeling better. Thankfully the hubs is sensitive when we are both in need of some RandR and planned an impromptu "pastoral retreat" to the coast for the two of us.

  9. Praying for you, dear friend - for health in your body and spirit. Knowing the battle has already been won is the tool we have to 'fight' the schemes the enemy tries to brings our way. Love the gratitude list each week. It makes me think of mine and remember how much there is to be grateful for.

    1. Thanks so much my friend. Yay for getting together next week!

  10. Hey Elizabeth,
    Your blog is so is one I read everyday! We are the same age and have so much in common! I'm a Gramme of 2 beautiful girlies and 1 handsome lil' fella. But most of all, I feel we are connected because we are "sisters in Christ". Thanks for your inspiring and moving words you pen for us on each blog you write. I was especially moved by the blog about your father. You have such a gift for sharing your heart on paper. Hope you feel much better soon!
    Your friend,

    1. What a blessing, Cindy! I'm so happy to "meet" you!

  11. Love this post and how you describe the cure for Satan's schemes!!!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Debbie. I'm so thankful that satan is a defeated foe, aren't you?


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