
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Safe in the Fortress...

We've had  a lovely week with especially lovely weather to accompany spring's arrival.
The week began with the Hubs taking two days off and us having a little R&R at the beach.
{I'm really grateful that he knows when his usual one day off a week from the church isn't cutting it and he periodically schedules these little getaways for us.}
The week ended with us having our two oldest grandkids stay with us for three nights while their mama and daddy were out of town.
Since they didn't have school Friday, they got to choose something fun for us to do together.
They love to visit Ft. Vancouver, so since it's educational and inexpensive it was a win-win!
We explored all of the various parts of the fort and saved climbing to the top of the gun turret for last.
After we enjoyed the view from the top and were making our way back down, 
I made the mistake of putting my sunglasses on before I was all the way at the bottom of the stairs.
It's already a bit dark inside the turret, and in my foolishness about putting on my sunglasses prematurely I missed the bottom step and went tumbling.
I banged up my knee, cut my hand up pretty badly and sprained a couple of fingers,
but was thankful that I had no broken bones and that my camera was still safely around my neck.
However, it left me hurting in a different way, a way that surprised me a bit.
It left me feeling vulnerable about my age.
Now I know that 56 isn't ancient, but the fall really shook me up and I realized how easily I could have been hurt really badly.
My body ached from the accident and so did my soul.
It was today that the Lord spoke to me about what happened through two different things.
At church, He spoke to me through a song with these words,
Then as I looked over the photos of our day at the fort, He spoke to my heart and said, 
"No matter what happens to you I'm your fortress.  
You're right in the middle of the safest place you could ever be."
I'm so thankful for His protection that day and that I really can trust Him for all of my days to come.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-an impromptu getaway to the beach

-the "senior's midweek special" on a great room at a favorite hotel
-dinner at our favorite place

-a beautiful walk on the beach

-sleeping in
-reading the book of Jonah with She Reads Truth
-sipping on my Starbucks that the Hub's brought me
-the beautiful weather

-happy hour price on our dinner

-a safe drive home
-doing my usual "nesting" after getting home from out of town
-loving the devotions on the book of Jonah
-time to write

-the first day of spring
-a new journal
-going on a run in between the two Bible studies I lead on Thursday
-bringing a crock pot of homemade Zuppa Toscana to the church for our dinner and sharing it with others
-prayer-singing a song of intercession
-the two oldest grands staying with us through the weekend

-waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon for breakfast

-a beautiful day to go to Ft. Vancouver

-thank God things weren't worse when I fell
-going to Mod Pizza for dinner
-finding a bargain on a hobnail milk glass pitcher at Camas Antiques
-coming home and resting

-making M&M cookie bars with my granddaughter while Papa took our grandson to his football game

-walking on a nearby trail with the grands and watching two hawks soar overhead

-the two grandkids enjoying going thrifting/antiquing with me

-crafting while watching a movie with the grands

-the words "I know that I can trust You.  My life is in the hands of the Maker of Heaven."
-God's answer to a problem youngest daughter had at work
-the Hub's message at church this morning
-going out for Thai food with the college age and twenty-somethings afterwards

gratefully yours,

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Both of those songs you shared encourage my heart so much. I am thankful you were not hurt too badly during your tumble. I am not as young as I once was, and little slips and trips can have me recovering for days. Looks like you had a beautiful week!

  2. Thanks for sharing your gratitude list. Bob and I are going to Long Beach for a few days this celebrate our 27th anniversary. It is supposed to rain but I don't care. I have lots of books to read and we always take along a puzzle. Have a blessed week.


  3. You make me breath deep and exhale slow. I just love your beauty here on your blog home. Really. Thank you for being here and sharing your beautiful heart.

  4. First of all, your beach photos are absolutely breathtaking! I am so sorry to hear about your little tumble and thankful as well that you were not injured worse! I am a few years older than you but I tend to deny it a bit, thinking I can do things like I used to...most of the time, you won't convince me otherwise. But whenever I have had mis-steps or whatever, it always hurts worse than it used to! Anyway, it sounds like you had a marvelous weekend with for family!

  5. I know the feeling.....had it after I went ice skating years ago. Ugh.
    Glad you're ok now!
    Lovely pictures...and counted blessings!

  6. As usual, you just grabbed me!! Saw so much that's I'd love to see more and more. Sure hope to see you/be with you when I'm there. You really DID grab me again.

  7. What a good lesson we all need to learn - no matter our age. I loved seeing your adventures to the beach and with your grandkids. And you finally found your white hobnail pitcher! Now I can stop looking for one for you!!! Loved seeing more of your time with your sweet grandkids.


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