
Monday, March 24, 2014

Texture Tuesday..."Quiet"...

(photo edited with an overlay of Kim's "touch of texture 1" at 40% opacity)

The prompt this week for Texture Tuesday was "quiet".
Immediately this photo I took last week of the sunlight streaming through the window
 of one of the buildings of the historic Ft. Vancouver came to mind.
These words from Isaiah 30:15 came to mind as well.

Here is the entire verse.
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel:“In returning and rest you shall be saved;In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not.

In some versions of the Bible it uses the word trust instead of confidence.
Quietly trusting God is something I need to do, yet, like Israel, I too often don't.
I keep voicing my opinion, saying my two cents worth, instructing, manipulating the situation,
anything but really and truly quietly trusting that God knows best and that He's well able to deal with the situations and circumstances that I face.
Even in this I am helpless and in desperate need of His help to "will and to do His good pleasure".
So I ask Him, "God, help me to quietly, confidently trust You."

still following,



  1. I've often pondered this verse, what the meaning of quiet confidence is. I think back to the times where I felt I had to speak up, for my rights or the rights of others. Sometimes it's best to remain silent, trusting that God will have His way. Lovely photo!

    1. Barbie, I do think there are times when God wants us to speak up, but also times when He doesn't. I'm too quick to want to fix people and situations with my words instead of trusting God and letting Him take care of things.

  2. Lovely image so peaceful, visiting from Texture Tuesday..

    1. Thank you, Viv! I'm glad I captured the theme of "quiet" in this photo.

  3. So simple and beautiful!!! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Pieni! It was a providential shot!

  4. i love the way sunlight looks shining through a window

    1. I do too...and even better if it's coming through an old fashioned paned window!

  5. When I see images such as this, I wish I had sunlight streaming somewhere in my house...but it's north-facing and rather dark! As for "quiet confidence," I should be pondering that and trusting right now.

    1. I wish this beautiful old window was in my home!

  6. So beautiful and wonderful words!

  7. Love how the lines of the window frame are duplicated in the image.

    1. I loved that about this shot as well. Somethings you can't plan for, they just happen, and this shot was one of those.

  8. beautiful image.... and powerful words.... thank you sweet Elizabeth..... have a wonderful week... xo

  9. Oh, yes! This photo truly speaks 'quiet' ... in whispers, of course!

    1. Thank you, Dotti. It spoke "quiet" to me too! A providential shot!

  10. There has been much in my Lenten journey about Trust. Elusive at times and so tangible at other times.

    1. Jill, last year trust was my "word for the year", and I'm pretty sure I didn't learn nearly all that God wanted me to about it!

  11. I had an aunt who had mastered the grace of being quiet. I always admired her and wished I could emulate the characteristics I saw in her. After she was with Jesus, one of the highest compliments someone in the family gave me was the statement that I am so like my aunt! Oh, for the grace to know when to be quiet! And rest in confidence and let Him speak.

    1. I do need God's grace to know when to be quiet, and I certainly need to learn to rest in confidence in Him.

  12. Just the prayer I need to pray and just the image to meditate upon as I talk to God. I wrestle with quiet and the fighting makes me weary. But your image and scripture guides me to stillness. Thank you.

    1. Donna, your comment blessed me so. Thank you so much.

  13. Oh Elizabeth.. that post just stumped my toes...hard! Me too! Boy, I needed this today.. The Holy Spirit has a way of showing us just what we need....Trusting God completly.. letting Him work it out! Letting Him take care of the situation.. Letting Him open the right doors at the right time.. So hard.. Lord, how I have failed and do so over and over.. Great reminder of the power of Gods Word for the direction we need in our lives.. I need this! Thanks and Blesssings!

    1. Patty, I usually post what God is dealing with me about. So, at least you're not alone!

  14. I need to "be still" so I can hear that beautiful, still, small voice.
    And the trusting issue....I'm still working on it after....a Half Century??! Yep.

    1. Carol, I'm still working on it too. Constantly!

  15. Beautiful…I think quiet trust is my downfall too.

    1. Tricia, when you're a "fixer" like me, taking my hands off and quietly trusting God with people and situations can be excruciating!

  16. Such a lovely image of stillness and quiet. Trust is a hard thing. When we think we do, it's usually only partially.

    1. Roxi, I agree, trust is a hard thing. I definitely need God's even in this! Thank you for your kind comment on my photo!

  17. A beautiful place to sit with a good book and enjoy the quiet.

  18. Beautiful image! I love the light and the shadows.

  19. Such a beautiful beautiful scene you captured in this picture
    and wonderful words. Thanks for showing.
    Best, Brigitte

  20. A good prayer, Elizabeth, Wonderful perspective in your image, too! I always shy away from taking pictures of windows, the lighting never seems right. Your is perfect :)

  21. Dank je / Thank you Elizabeth. This is an amazing blog. I am glad I've read your writing.

    1. And I love having you here. It's so amazing how we are sisters in Christ from the other side of the world!

  22. I love the light coming in the windows - and the verse you chose...I had a different verse about "quiet" flow through my mind for the Texture Tuesday prompt...(you'll have to come visit to find out which one it is! Smiles).

    1. Thanks so much Cindy! Love your photo of the pussy willow, and the scripture you used is one of my favorites.

  23. This is lovely from the simplicity of the photo to the font choice for the quote. You may like some of my posts for ABC Wednesday. I'm going through the bible and your theme today is one I've used for some of the weeks.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, Lisa! I've never heard of ABC Wednesday so I'll have to check it out.

  24. Great post, I so relate. Sometimes if feels easier to voice my opinion, but then I wonder why I am still struggling, and you know what I'm going to say. It's because I need to shut my mouth and be quiet.


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