
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

White tulips...

I remember when fresh flowers had to be either home grown or ordered from the florist.
So, either it had to be the right season and you had to have a green thumb 
or you had to be able to afford and rationalize the expense of ordering them.

I don't remember when inexpensive bouquets of fresh flowers 
became readily available in most grocery stores.
What I do know is that fresh flowers for under ten dollars is a lot of bang for your buck
 in my opinion.
I don't often buy coffee when I'm out and about.
Want fresh flowers?
Give up one coffee a week and you've just about paid for a bunch!

This morning I noticed that the early morning sound of the birds
 is back to its noisy refrain of spring and summer.
Yesterday, on a walk with my two youngest granddaughters, 
I noticed that the crocuses and daffodils are beginning to bloom.

Time marches on, and eventually the gloom and cold of winter
gives way to the new life of spring.
Fresh flowers in the house serve as a reminder of this hopeful truth.

(all photos edited with a layer of Kim Klassen's May texture, 20% opacity)

still following,




  1. The white tulips are so beautiful! What a nice touch of Spring ....and I could use that right now as we have lots of the "white" stuff still on the ground.. The pics are beautiful. Have a great day.. Blessings!

    1. Patty, I love the tulips as well! Thank you!

  2. it's only been in the past few years that i've got into the habit of buying fresh flowers for myself in the winter. but it is such a mood lifter for such a small investment. :) totally worth it. love these beautiful tulips of yours. beautifully shot and processed.

    1. Yes, fresh flowers in the winter are a great mood lifter!

  3. The white tulips are so simple and beautiful! Fresh flowers are so cheerful always add joy to my day. I don't buy coffee but I may have to splurge on some anyway!

    1. Yes, I'd rather have fresh flowers than an expensive coffee...even though I do love coffee!

  4. Fresh flowers have become a necessity for me in the winter months. Thankfully they've become very affordable! I don't buy coffee either so flowers are my indulgence. :) Yours are really pretty, Elizabeth!

    1. I had fun trying to take photos of my tulips that look as wonderful as yours. I'm not there yet. Can't wait until you post your photography tips!

  5. Enjoying the signs of your early spring. The tulips share a gentle message.

  6. Love, love, love the white tulips and especially the jar they are in--and yes love the fact that they are so much more affordable now.

    1. Well, they are no where near the caliber of your amazing tulip photos, but I will keep practicing!

  7. I love tulips (especially white ones) and they brighten your pretty room up even more!

  8. I'm loving the signs of Spring! Tulips are a sure sign winter is almost over. I need to buy some tulips for my home - when I get home from the beach! Yellow, of course.

    1. Some yellow tulips would be just lovely in your home...or there's always daffodils!

  9. Your white tulips look so fresh and lovely, Elizabeth! You're right, it's so easy today to enjoy beautiful flowers in our homes for minimal cost.
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, I'm so thankful for inexpensive grocery store bouquets!

  10. I too have been noticing the birds singing, Truly music to my ears ~~~ Your flowers are so full of spring, I love the white color.

    Pearl 13.1

    1. I'm excited for spring, but choosing to enjoy one rainy day at a time in the meanwhile! :)

  11. Beautiful photos. I bought a bouquet of daffodils for $1.99 this week - 10 stems!

    And I have my first blooms opening in my yard : )

    1. Jill, yes the crocuses and daffodils are up in our neighborhood, too! The neighbors forsythia is starting to bud as well!

  12. I'm a lover of fresh flowers. They add a certain spark and comfort to home.

    1. Yes, fresh flowers in the home are a definite mood booster!

  13. oh my goodness.... sooo lovely... a wonderful collection of photos....
    I needed this....

    adore... xo

    1. Oh, Kim, coming from you that means the world to me.

  14. I alway love it when flowers jump into my shopping cart! These are gorgeous tulips. I think I may need to go shopping........ :-)
    Visiting from Life Through the Lens

  15. Oh man, this set had me at hello. I am in love!! Thanks for linking friend, I cherish your posts. They always leave me with a happy heart.


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