
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our Father...

I have a vivid memory that resurfaced this week.
It was a memory of me and Daddy.
For those of you who've read the story of my relationship with Daddy,
you know that he left Mama for another woman when I was nine years old.
 (You can read the three part story here, here and here.)
God, in His kindness, has shown me so many good things that Daddy brought to my life
in those years before he left.
I have a good relationship with my Father God in many areas, 
partly because of the foundation of love I had with Daddy in my early years.
Obviously, his leaving brought some challenges to my concept of Father God, as well.
Thank God, that He heals our inner child and our childhood wounds.

This week I remembered dancing with my Daddy.
He would put my feet on top of his shoes, and hug me close and waltz me around.

This morning at church, my husband's message was about our relationship to Father God.
He reminded us that Jesus taught us to pray to "Our Father".
God is Jesus' Father and, through our adoption into His family because of our salvation through Jesus,
 God truly is Our Father as well.
My husband said that if we can't say and pray the words "Our Father" and believe them,
then we can't pray as Jesus taught and we won't have an effective prayer life.

While my memories of my Daddy this week were lovely ones,
he was an imperfect father.
 Father God is a good and perfect Father who will never, never, never,
leave us or forsake us and I'm oh, so grateful for that.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-God speaking to me about trust and peace in my devotions this morning
-taxes all done for another year
-youngest daughter coming over and her and the Hubs making grilled cheese sandwiches together
 to go with my homemade chicken soup

-recuperating from a head cold
-taking the two youngest grands to the mall playground on this rainy day

-being open and honest with God
-Him ordering my busy day

-homemade soup and homemade bread shared with my evening bible study group
-my daughter and granddaughter coming to the church for a meeting 
and my granddaughter joining us for soup and bread
-God's presence as we worship and pray

-our son-in-law's birthday
-our date day that didn't go as planned, but at least we were together
-a relaxing evening at home

-daffodils on the dining room table

-coffee and good conversation
-homemade Zuppa Toscana for my sick hubby

-a really good morning at church
-taking our two oldest grands to lunch with us
-the rare treat of the Hub's coming home and resting on a Sunday afternoon 
and me getting to relax and work on a craft project 

gratefully yours, 

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. Have a blessed week ahead. Enjoy the weather they are promising us. :-)


  2. P. S. I guess my smiley face didn't turn out very here is another one. :-)

  3. Loved reading your words again this morning. Our Heavenly Father is the only perfect father - and we can trust Him to always be there. I always love reading your gratitude list. There is so much for us to give thanks for.

    1. I hope your time away was wonderful! Glad you're back and appreciate you so much!

  4. Elizabeth, What a beautiful reminder...I receive so much comfort and peace just knowing that my Perfect Father is always there for me. During personal prayer time at church last night, although I had many, many people and situations in mind to pray for, I spent much of my time not actually praying for anything or anyone in particular, but just dwelling in His presence in quiet of the moment. Our Father...indeed He is.

    1. That's a lovely part of prayer, just receiving His presence and His love.

  5.'s me again...I just finished reading all 3 parts of your story about your father. After parts 1 & 2, I was nearly in tears but I knew the best was left for last. What a beautiful testament of grace and forgiveness! I am so glad I took the time to read your story...and bless you for sharing it, sweet friend :)

    1. I'm so glad you read my story and the wonderful work God did in my relationship with Daddy.

  6. What a beautiful testimony, thank you, Elizabeth. God is good, all the time.
    I read your Weariness with a Side of the Blues and it really blessed me.
    Thank you for speaking God's truth into our lives. I needed that post! :)

    1. Carol, thank you so much! Your encouragement means so much.

  7. Zuppa Toscana!!! Oh yeah! Your photography is stunning. I love it, because it gives me a glimpse into the eyes of your heart. Love that the Lord brought to mind a sweet memory. xoxx

    1. Love you, friend. Thanks for believing in me.

  8. Loved what your husband said about praying as Jesus did and really this whole post. I believe very strongly that one of the most important things a Christian father should do for his children is to point them by his actions to the perfect Father.

    1. Debbie, our father relationship certainly does affect our relationship with Father God, and our perception of Him. But, thank God, He can heal even that!

  9. Loved how your memory surfaced and then God smoothed Grace all over it.

    Such a treat to be welcomed into your world!

    1. Julie, you bless me so with your encouragement. Thank you!


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