
Sunday, August 17, 2014

God is good...

It's been a hard week,
not personally,
but in our nation,
and in our world.
When the result of wickedness, hatred, disease or suffering of any kind is experienced or seen,
the enemy of our soul likes to accuse God.
He likes to get us to doubt God's goodness and to join him in accusing God of not being good.
Like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar,
he wants to keep the focus off his own slimy self.
God is good,
and His faithful love endures forever.
I'm not going to let satan move me away from that foundational truth,
and I will not stop giving God my thanksgiving and praise.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone) 


-blue flowers and bluebirds

-cool cotton sundresses on a hot, hot day
-homemade carne asada tacos for dinner

-working with my oldest daughter on a furniture refinishing project
-oldest granddaughter asking if she could stay and help us
-our youngest grandson who is growing like a weed, in spite of being a premie

-cleaning and decluttering and getting rid of stuff
-cooler weather
-the Hubs surprising me and suggesting we go to a movie on a weeknight
(The Hundred Foot Journey-it's a great movie!)

-my big sister-it's her birthday today
-meeting with some of the women in our church
 who have a great idea for an outreach to the women living near our church
-text messages from youngest daughter who is on a missions trip to Nicaragua
-a message from a blog friend checking on me when my blog was quiet for a couple of days
-a message from our second born that they had a safe flight and that the baby slept the whole way

-words of encouragement about a blog post that was heavy on my heart
-a sweet day off with my husband
-not feeling very well but going on a run and feeling better afterwards

-waking up to a phone call from the two oldest grands and hearing about all the fun they are having on vacation
-feeling much better than yesterday
-going to my oldest daughter's and helping her finish up some house projects
-our beautiful and funny and spunky two youngest granddaughters
-a safe trip home from Nicaragua for youngest daughter and the whole team

-God's presence
-more new faces at church
-people responding to the Word and coming to the altar for prayer

still following,


  1. How blessed we are to have a faithful & loving God! How blessed we are to be able to know & recognize that He has been this way from the beginning and will remain that way through the end. When there is so much going on in our lives & in our world, He is the steady & constant in our lives. What a blessing that we can cling to Him & His word to know this.
    Thank you for reminding us that we need to continue with our eyes on His good & wondrous ways instead of the way the slimy enemy wants us to see & believe.

  2. Hi Elizabeth! What beautiful things you have listed here. Gratitude brings us all to love, and I know you love your family and your faith so much.
    Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. Elizabeth, I looked forward to reading your gratitude list this morning. I needed some encouragement and you never fail to steer me right. Especially, when it comes to faith and family. Thanks!

    Love you,

  4. Yes, God is good! And His mercies last forever! We are blessed - and I love reading your gratitude list every week.

  5. Hi Elizabeth,

    It's nice to be back here again, and peeking into your gifts list. Our God is so kind, isn't he? Your nice times with grandkids and children, a movie date out with your man, blue flowers and blue birds, a jog out and the return feeling better, etc... thank you, Elizabeth. This practice of counting gifts is a deep, soul-joy-filling discipline, huh?

    Do you work in ministry at your church?

    Jennifer Dougan


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