
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer vacation 2014 thanks...

We are on the second half of our vacation.
Last week we were at the Oregon coast
and this week we are in central Oregon.
It has its own unique and very different beauty than the coast or the Willamette Valley of Oregon where we live.
I think part of the secret of developing a habit of gratitude is developing the ability to see and appreciate the beauty in all kinds of different circumstances, situations and seasons.
Admittedly, it's easier to find reasons to give thanks in the good times, (like on vacation!),
than in times of deep trial and testing,
but God is there, His beauty is still there.
I need to remember to ask Him to give me eyes to see Him, 
to see His beauty,
and to help me to repeatedly give Him the thanks He deserves,
no matter where I am or what I am going through.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone) 

-vacation! Thank you, God!
-the way the coastal fog blows in, then moves on, giving way to the sun

-buying healthy groceries 

-walking by the sea as the sun begins to set

-a comment from @shereadstruth on my instagram

-a great night's sleep
-a foggy coastal morning
-strong, hot coffee in a favorite cup I brought from home

-healthy oat bran/walnut/raisin pancakes
-slow vacation mornings
-a long walk by the sea
-delicious homemade soup

-Hebrews 11- "of whom the world was not worthy"

-a really comfortable bed in our vacation rental and another great night's sleep
-the tide way out

-Hebrews 12 - "Jesus the Author and Perfecter of my faith"
-a text from my daughter that my granddaughter got the kindergarten teacher that she wanted for her
-a long walk on a different section of the beach, my favorite

-meeting the whole day's Fitbit goals on a long, long beach walk with the hubs

-finding a flawlessly perfect shell on my walk, 
but giving it to a cute little freckle faced boy who was shell hunting nearby
-taking a long bubble bath after my long walk
-a lazy afternoon reading and catnapping
-a new bracelet from the hubs

-the hubs raving about how good the soup is even when it's leftover
-hot tea and devotions on the balcony overlooking the bay

-8 hours of good sleep
-another foggy morning
-runny egg yolk sopped up with crispy pan toasted homemade bread
-driving to Newport and walking on Agate beach

-beautiful Yaquina Head light house

-our freezer at home quitting, but our house sitter catching it before all the food was ruined

-leaving the coast today-so thankful for this time away
-a safe drive home
-surprise!  the ironstone sugar bowl I found thrifting on vacation is the mate to an ironstone 
creamer I found quite some time ago at a thrift store at home

-eating the first ripe tomatoes from our yard

-a safe drive to central Oregon
-knowing our church is in good hands when we are take a Sunday off
-a phone call from the two oldest grands
-the different kind of beauty found here in central Oregon

-the good feeling when my Fitbit vibrates, meaning I've met my daily goal

gratefully yours,


  1. Every time I read your blog, I get my senses filled up with good things! Those views! Foggy mornings on the beach. That beautiful coffee mug. Your bracelets. The eggs and toast. Call from grandsons. It all sounds wonderful!!! I'm so glad your vacation is a sweet time of rest and beauty.

    1. Leslie, you are so sweet and a great encouragement to me!

  2. Are you gathering driftwood on your walks? ;)

    I need a fitbit!

    1. I didn't get any driftwood this time. And yes! You would love a fitbit!

  3. Morning Elizabeth,
    So glad you had such a refreshing and wonderful time on vacation. Vacation are great perspective givers I find..........and so make me sad to leave it but also at the same time happy to get home as I am invigorated and rested and full of creativity, and ready to go again.
    Lovely list as always...........God gives us so much even in the smallest things, and they truly are gifts from HIM. Thanks for counting your blessings and sharing them with us, it is always a spirit lifter.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Nellie, counting my blessings has been life changing for me! It truly is a huge spirit lifter!

  4. I'm experience second-hand-refreshment, thanks to your own :) That open journal, Bible & cup of coffee photo reminds me of my own mornings sans beach & sea....

  5. One of the things that I am grateful for are the beautiful photos that you share on your blog! The beach ones were particularly lovely. And you know what?! I also have a collection of leather bracelets that I like to wear! So that shot of your wrist could have been me, too!

    Have a wonderful rest-of-vacation!


    1. Ok, so now you must show me your bracelets! Twinsies!

  6. Catching up a bit. I'm ready to follow your footsteps for some vacation. Your photos are beautiful and capture the beauty of each place you've been. I'm glad you and your hubby could get away and rest.

  7. Been missing your blogs soooo much! Hope you are enjoying your vacation and everything is okay your way! Take care and hope to see you back on the blog soon! :)


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