
Sunday, September 21, 2014

I want to be the one...

Ten lepers were healed by Jesus.
Only one returned to thank Him.
I want to be the one,
the one who remembers to give Him the thanks and praise He deserves.


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-babysitting our youngest grandson

-help from a friend
-the hubs picking up roasted chicken on the way home from the office so I didn't have to cook

-being asked to be a mentor
-a package of sweet surprises left by my back door
-a quiet, peaceful evening

-getting some little things that are easy to put off done
-encouragement from others
-finding a good deal on a freezer to replace our old one that quit

-a morning of much needed rain
-raindrops on roses

-a scare that ended up to be not a big deal

-morning sun sparkling on the dewy grass
-a slow, lazy morning on the hub's day off
-a delicious lunch
-reading the newest Jan Karon book, and the sweet husband who bought it for me

-holding my baby grandson at a church event

-the two oldest grands getting to spend the night last night 
and having waffles topped with peaches and cream with them for breakfast this morning

-some of the men, teens and boys from our church doing some fence repairs
 and other things around the house for us
-spending "girl time" with my oldest granddaughter

-waking up early enough to have some quiet time in the Word before church

-Jesus touching lives
-praying with people around the altar
-lunch with my husband

gratefully yours,


  1. Elizabeth,, thanks so much for reminding us to be all things. I tend to forget in the busyness of the day to reflect on His goodness in everything. Have a blessed week! ~Cindy

  2. Oh, I bought Jan Karon's new book for my sister for her birthday; so far I've resisted the urge to read it first! ;)

  3. We have so many things to be thankful for. Even when it's easy to only see the hardships in front of us, God's blessings far outnumber them.

    1. Robyn, what would I have done without God's presence and His Word in the hard times? I wouldn't have made it through. Counting my blessings has helped me to see His faithfulness even then.


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