
Friday, September 5, 2014

Psalm 25:9 and a few thoughts on humility...

Humility is often seen as a weak and wimpy character trait.
But in my opinion, it's one of the most powerful, godly traits we can have.
Humility is, at its root, truly understanding our utter need and dependence on God.
When we do, we realize we never have a reason to think of ourselves as better than someone else.
We know that all that we have and all that we are is due to God's grace in our lives,
not because of some worthiness on our part.
Humility is something we choose, not something we ask God for.
So humility is the opposite of self-promotion,
it's trusting God to promote you if and when it's His time.
Wow, that's convicting me even as I type the words,
because the world tells us we must promote ourselves and build our platform if we want to succeed.
Yet, in God's upside down kingdom, we go lower to get higher.
I sure want to God to lead me in the right way, in His way.
Yet too often,  I choose the way of pride and refuse to be easily led.
Like a toddler I say, "I'll do it myself", in essence wanting to go my own way instead of His.
Humility lets God lead.
I don't think we can just make a one time lifetime decision and declare, "I choose to be humble!",
and think that's all there is to it.
I think humility is a moment by moment choice in various situations and circumstances in life.
-I chose to focus on this person instead of drawing attention to myself.
-I chose to congratulate someone when they are getting the promotion I wish I had.
-I chose to serve when I'd rather be served.
-I chose to listen when I'd rather give my opinion.
-I chose to give when I'd rather spend on myself.
-I choose God's way even when it's not convenient or isn't popular with others.
I have so much to learn and so much room to grow when it comes to choosing humility in my own life,
but it's never too late to start, right in this moment, and the next, and the next, and the next.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Thanks Elizabeth! Thats a powerful post. Let us choose God's way even when it's not convenient or isn't popular with others.

    1. Thank you for encouraging and blessing me, Jedidja!

  2. God's Kingdom is indeed upside down. When we humble ourselves and take the low road, He is exalted. I wish I could say I always choose the path of humility. When I don't, His rod and staff are there to gently bring me back. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. You have a blessed Sunday, Barbie. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you!

  3. Oh, so much to learn!! Me too, Elizabeth. Me too!!! The "choosing" part is so very important and I forget to do just that. And it is moment-by-moment for humility is not something we are and remain that way for always.
    Thank you for a fine lesson for me... one I needed and want to need, actually. Want to need always.
    I'm your neighbor today at Barbie's and glad I am. : )
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. I'm so happy to be your neighbor, friend. You bless me, too!

  4. Humility is central to our joy. So many of my bad attitudes could be solved by choosing to humble myself. Great reminder, friend.

    1. Me too, Ginger! I've got a lot to learn about humbling myself.

  5. Elizabeth, I've never really thought about humility being a choice we make....
    I love your teachable heart--you inspire me!

    1. Thanks, friend! You are a sweet encouragement to me.

  6. ...lets God lead... Yes, and waits and yields and prays... moment by moment ... beautiful post.

  7. Great reminder to keep humble before the Lord which then always extends to others in grace and love.

    Visiting form the Sunday Stillness link-up. : )

    1. Hi Cathy! So happy to "meet" you! Glad you popped over from still Saturday!

  8. hi elizabeth, i'm your neighbor at GiveMeGrace. i agree that humility is a powerful trait! not easy to choose either. i liked your post:)

  9. Hi Martha! Thanks so much for popping in!

  10. This is beautiful Elizabeth.Psalms 25:9 says, “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way”. I can’t think of a better decision, then to choose the path of humility.

  11. Hmm! Good thinking, good sharing. I'm struggling re: humility many times, partly b/c I feel like I'm not doing good enough to get moving up. Anyhow, as usual, I sure love any photo you have shared, and being a "mountainy" person in my heart, this was a grabber. Thanks much, Elizabeth. Ya dun good, always!

  12. I love this. At service today our pastor was teaching us the danger of becoming mediocre Christians. Humility certainly sets us apart and allows us to be exactly who God wants us to be! Nothing mediocre about that :) Blessings!

  13. Amen, Elizabeth. Been thinking so much of this lately, friend. God will exalt those who lay themselves low. Praying for more wisdom and insight about what this means in our self-promoting, look-at-me culture. It's so insidious that it can be difficult to recognize the ways that kind of thinking has wormed its way in. Thank you for this word today.

  14. Choosing humility can be hard work - definitely not the easy way out! Thank you for your challenging and encouraging words today.


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