
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thank you, Jesus...

When I was a young wife and mama years ago, 
back in the church we volunteered in when my husband was still in Bible college,
 we learned this simple chorus.

"Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Lord for loving me.
You went to Calvary,
and there you died for me,
Thank You, Lord for loving me.
You rose up from the grave,
to me new life you gave,
Thank You, Lord, for loving me.
You're coming back again,
and then with You I'll reign,
Thank you, Lord for loving me."

No matter what's happening in your life, 
no matter the circumstances,
there's always something wonderful, 
Someone wonderful to be thankful for.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-texts of grandbaby photos
-catching up with my girl on the phone
-the kind Christian cobbler who got my boots ready for winter
-Costco roasted chicken for dinner on grocery shopping day

-the first day of fall

-going on my walk/run and ending up helping the police with a disoriented neighbor 

-babysitting youngest grandson and him being so sweet and so good for me
 in spite of having an ear infection and cough
-a really good extra long walk/run
-late evening devotions today...better late than never!

-the way my grandson's eyes twinkle when he smiles

-getting today's long to-do list done
-the Hub's playing with our youngest grandson
-wonderful worship tonight at church

-my favorite kind of morning on the hub's day off, slow and lazy

-laughing with my daughter
-a great book that made me laugh and cry


-a fun housewarming for a newlywed couple in our church
-oldest granddaughter getting to spend the night with us

-the way the Hub's texts me every Sunday morning
(he goes to the church way before me)
-seeing my friend who hasn't been at church in a while
-a great connections class for new members the afternoon

gratefully yours,


  1. He is just precious, Elizabeth. And please share the title of the book that made you laugh and cry. Those are the best kinds. ;)

    1. The newest book by Jan Karon in the Mitford Series, Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good.

  2. Yep, He is one gorgeous baby. I want to know the title of the book to.


    1. The newest book by Jan Karon in the Mitford Series, Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good.

  3. Isn't he plumb adorable? Yes, his eyes twinkle!

    1. We are so blessed with our grandson, a sweet surprise for our middle daughter who never conceived in 13 years of marriage. (Our two oldest grands are adopted, and, of course, are just as much miracles from God as their little brother is.)

  4. What a precious grandboy! And what a precious heart you have, Elizabeth. Your gratitudes always bless me, and teach me to once again re-focus on the *small* things is life. For indeed, the Lord blesses us in so many ways.

    Thank you, Lord, for loving me.


    1. Keeping a gratitude journal has been a life changing habit for me, Sharon.


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