
Sunday, October 19, 2014

A thankful life is a blessed life...

It's true!
A thankful life is a blessed life!
In Deuteronomy 28, Moses is instructing the children of Israel to live in the blessing of God 
instead of under a curse.  
In verse 47 it states that one of the reasons for living under a curse is 
"you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness of mind and heart
 in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He had blessed you." 
(Amplified Bible)
Evidently, serving God with a joyful, grateful mind and heart is a big deal to God.
It should also be a big deal to us.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-the hubs going to the church office a bit later than usual so he could see our youngest grandson 
when his mama dropped him off 
-the way the baby loves stroller walks so much and always falls asleep even though he just woke up from his nap

-the hubs saying, "I love dinners like this", when it was just a simple bbq chicken salad
-a speaking opportunity at an upcoming conference

-studying for Sunday's message-the faithful way God gives me the "bones" of the message, 
then bit by bit shows me the rest

-our church prayer chain, answers to prayer
-a fun evening taking the two youngest granddaughters to the movies

-early morning devotions
-a good run on this blustery morning
-the joy of time spent with long time friends

-making homemade bread and soup for the new parents

-a warm sunny day
-getting to hold sweet baby D
-the people who come to our Thursday night prayer time

-a slow, lazy date day morning
-running errands together and enjoying a good lunch out
-a relaxing evening, him reading a book, me watching old episodes of a favorite show

-waking up without the headache and neck spasms I went to bed with
-the hubs doing some chores for me so I could spend a quiet morning studying for Sunday's message
-the sweet gal who plans all the church baby and wedding showers and the others who lend a hand
-an evening walk/run

-5 V-formations of geese flying overhead
-blue skies, feathery cirrus clouds, and the fiery color of the leaves as the sun peeks through

-God's good work in our church
-sitting around the table and visiting long after lunch was over

gratefully yours,


  1. Wonderful post, Elizabeth! I think when we write down what we are thankful for even the tiniest can become great.

  2. You are a busy, blessed lady. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Beautiful photos and a wonderful post. Thank you for this word on Sunday. !!!Feeding On God's Faithfulness!!!! Love you.

    1. Amen! I hope you're making your list and that I get to take you out to coffee!

  4. I adore that you have kept such a good record of your blessings. It really is an encouragement to me. As I read through the list I think of my own love of bread, geese, running errands with my husband. And yaaaaa for you that you have the opportunity to speak at a conference Elizabeth!!! Whoop!

    1. I need to call you and catch up on the news with you re. being asked to speak at one of the breakout sessions at a conference. Love you bunches my friend.

  5. How could I forget to mention how handsome your grandson is! Darling!!!


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