
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday Faves...Popcorn Cake!

Whether it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, all of the kiddos in your life,
(and the grownups too!), will love this simple salty and sweet treat!
My oldest daughter's mother-in-law introduced us to popcorn cake, 
but I never got her actual recipe, so this is how I do it.

First of all you will need some popcorn!
I'm not a fan of microwave popcorn, but you can definitely use that.
I pop mine on the stove top.
Simply choose a 3 qt. or larger pan with a lid.
Turn the burner on to medium high, which is 7 on my stove.
Drizzle 1-2 tablespoons olive oil in the bottom of the pan and add 1/2 cup popcorn seeds.
Put the lid on the pan, but slightly askew, just enough for the steam to escape but not the corn as it's popping.
As soon as you hear the popcorn stop popping, remove from the heat and put it in a large bowl.
Salt to taste and remove any unpopped seeds.

Wipe out the pan you popped the corn in and put 3 tablespoons butter and 6 cups of marshmallows in the pan.  
Over medium low heat, a 3 on my stove, melt the marshmallows and butter until smooth.
Watch and stir this mixture carefully so it won't scorch.
Once it is all melted add it to 6 cups of the popped corn and add whatever goodies you like.
I used peanut m&ms but I actually prefer regular m&ms and some salty peanuts separate for this.
You could also add candy corn or chopped up snickers bars or other goodies.
Just use your imagination.
(I'm thinking chopped up dried apricots, chopped walnuts, and white chocolate chips would be yummy!)
Amount of popcorn to sweet treat ratio is up to you, a used about a cup of peanut m&ms.
Mix this sticky mixture as best as you can, being careful of the hot melted marshmallows.
I find that clean hands coated with a bit of butter works best, but don't burn yourself!
Now pan spray an 8x8 pan and pat the mixture into the pan.
Let cool completely, then cut and serve.
(You can also shape this into popcorn balls.)

It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a safe and BLESSED weekend!

Also linking to All Things Heart and Home


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. This looks wonderful, Elizabeth. I can see my grandchildren enjoying this too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I made it with my two youngest granddaughters!

  2. Sounds yummy and I love that you can switch up the candies you put in it for the different seasons/holidays. How bags of marshmallows do you need to make 6 cups?

    1. I 16oz bag of miniature marshmallows has 8 cups. 8 regular marshmallows = 1 cup.

  3. This is pretty much exactly how Jill makes it:). It's basically rice crispies turned popcorn cake!

  4. I used to make this a lot when our kids were little. I had my sister-in-law's recipe and I made it in an angel food pan. It looked so special sitting on an ordinary plate! I don't have the recipe anymore - I tossed it when we started eating a more healthy lifestyle. I should make some for my grandkids!

    1. I wish you still had the recipe so we could see if I'm doing it right!

  5. What a cool idea... Popcorn Cake! I love all your creative ideas about living life with Jesus, coupled with your beautiful photography. What a blessing you are! I see your heart of love for your family, for people.

    Looking forward to more Mastermind Conversations.

    Blessings in CHrist, Barb


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