
Sunday, October 5, 2014

He's not forgotten us...

The first time we sang this song in our church the words impacted me greatly,
and every time we've sung or I've heard it since I've felt the same.
I felt to post it today, that someone who will pop in here needs to hear it.
When I post my weekly gratitude list I never want any one reading it to think my life, 
or the real life of any other Jesus follower, is all sunshine and roses.
That is why, even in the midst of trials and testing, it's still possible to have an attitude of gratitude.
God is with us in whatever we face, and even in the darkest valley, He's working for our good.
Take time to listen and focus on these powerful words.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-cozy candlelight

-my sweet youngest grandson, who I get to watch on Mondays
-a walk in the rain
-takeout from our favorite deli and a quiet evening at home

-this last day of September
-the sound of rain on the roof
-beginning 1st and 2nd Peter with She Reads Truth

-pozole in the crockpot, (and the hubs loved it!)
-our two youngest granddaughters here for the evening

-my sweet friend stopping by on her way home from work
-a gorgeous sunset

-a golden sunny October morning

-an unexpected opportunity
-getting home after a full, long, busy day and the aaaahhhh feeling of knowing tomorrow's our day off

-a beautiful summer-like warm, sunny day
-deciding to take a day trip to the beach

-the hubs making me a cup of my favorite tea and bringing it to me

-the hubs buying me a big fat pumpkin for the front porch

-catching up on yesterdays and todays devotions in 1st Peter
-an evening walk after a day of hard work

-seeing God's faithfulness and answers to prayer
-ministering together with a trusted friend
-people inviting and bringing friends with them to church

gratefully yours,


  1. Maybe it's for me. I enjoyed it first thing, this morning. Something happened, recently, that propelled me into my past on several levels. I don't know if I can find a way to blog about it, or not, but what I do know is: at first, all of it seemed very unnecessary and very unkind. Now, though, I'm starting to see that I've been forced to deal with some things that I wanted to bury and forget...things that Jesus wants to heal. Sometimes the path toward healing is very painful, I think, but I believe this message straight out of Romans 8:28. I believe that God uses all things if we love Him and have been called, and I love Him. I've been called. I appreciate your prayers and friendship.

    1. If this ministered to you in some small way, that blesses me more than you could know. I pray that whatever you are dealing with, that you would know beyond a shadow of doubt that God's grace, strength and love will be with you through the process. Love you!

  2. Morning Elizabeth,
    Beautiful Thankful post as always, gorgeous pics as well.
    Isn't it just the best thing knowing that He is with us always till the
    ends of the earth, and love that you said about us not having a bed
    of roses, because we have tribulation too, but we have the ability
    because of Christ to see things thru different eyes and have a
    different perspective, like Brandee said He works all things together
    for our good............just never ceases to amaze how HE does it tho!

    Happy Fall
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Nellie, it's looking back that we can see that in our hardest times God was up to something good. In the midst of the difficulty we just have to hold on to the faith that this is true.

  3. Oh my goodness! That song and video were amazing. Your timing.....and God's.....were perfect. "Brandee" was the one who popped in and needed to hear this reassurance from God. Sounds like she is dealing with some things that are tough. She will be in my thought and prayers today.


    1. I'm glad the song blessed you, too, Debbi. I'm sure Brandee appreciates your prayers.

  4. I love that song - it really ministered to me today. I'll listen to it and sing along often. In the middle of life we are really blessed! I always love to read your gratitude list. It lifts my spirit higher to see the blessings all around me in the 'small' things of life!

    1. It really is amazing how keeping a gratitude journal has filled me with a deep sense of contentment. I can see God's blessing so clearly now.

  5. This verse from John 16 - I have overcome the world - has come to my mind and heart several times today. It's such an encouragement. Yes, God is sovereign, and He is still in control. And no, He will never leave us nor forsake us nor forget us. Never, ever.

    "Yet Jerusalem says, 'The LORD has deserted us;
    the Lord has forgotten us.'
    'Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child?
    Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?
    But even if that were possible,
    I would not forget you!
    See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.'"

    (Isaiah 49:14-16, NLT)



    1. I think Isaiah is my favorite Old Testament book, and that verse one of my well-marked ones!

  6. I can't believe you posted that video. Our women's study leader played that for us last Sunday night. I had never heard it before and now you've posted it. Yes, He's always working for our good.

    1. That's awesome! Looks like God really wanted you to get the message of that song! :)


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