
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Joyfulness and Gratitude...

I took the scripture above out of context.
In fact, I took just a portion of the actual scripture, 
making it into a command rather than what it really is, a warning.
Deuteronomy 28 is the "blessing vs. cursing" chapter.  
Moses is telling the children of Israel how to live in God's blessing.
Then he warns them against leaving God for other gods.
 and following their own ways instead of God's ways.
He tells them the curses that will result.
One of the behaviors Moses warns against is an ungrateful, joyless attitude.
Here's the complete scripture.
"Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness of [mind and] heart [in gratitude]
 for the abundance of all [with which He had blessed you]"
Moses then goes on to describe the consequences of this lack of gratitude.
It's a dire list.
I don't think God actually has to send curses when we go our own way instead of His,
I think disaster just naturally follows a life of disobedience.
An ungrateful person, experiences the consequences of being ungrateful,
consequences such as bitterness and joylessness.
So let's turn this warning into an instruction, a command to follow.
Let's serve our great God with a joyful mind and heart.
Let's be filled with gratitude and thankfulness for the abundance of blessings He gives.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-homemade bread pan toasted in a wee bit of olive oil, sprinkled with a touch of salt,
and smeared with homemade strawberry jam along with a cup of hot coffee

-oh, how I love Your Word, Lord! So blessed reading through 1st and 2nd Peter again
-no rain on my walk/run today
-all of the beautiful colors of fall

-the Hubs going grocery shopping with me this evening
-dinner together at Chipotle afterwards

-happy mail
-a good walk/run in between rain showers
-cozy candlelight and the first fire in the fireplace this season

-dinner, coloring and watching Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang with our two youngest granddaughters

-the way my youngest grandson searches my eyes when I feed him his bottle
-him napping in Papa's chair
-baking cookies

-record breaking rainfall, but putting on my raincoat and going on my walk/run anyway
-dinner at my daughter's house
-playing Scrabble with the two oldest grands
-snuggling with the hubs and watching my favorite show

-a coffee date with a mentoring friend
-the two oldest grands hanging around the church with us due to early release day at school 

-going across town to a favorite place for Friday date day
-dinner someplace different than our usual favorites
-new shoes with a buy one get one free deal, 
(so I got a pair for oldest granddaughter)

-getting a small start on Christmas shopping with a good sale
-God's presence so real with me in the middle of the mundane of Saturday chores
-listening to some favorite podcasts
-protection over our house, which is surrounded by huge old growth trees, during a windstorm
-my daughter's boyfriend bringing me another flashlight, and having lots of candles, 
when the power went out while I was home alone

-the power coming back on

-hugs and prayers with a broken hearted one
-the privilege to teach God's Word
-a Sunday nap

gratefully yours,


  1. Elizabeth,

    thank you for your beautiful inspirational visuals. Your simple yet profound understanding of scripture. I love visiting your site

    God bless you and your lovely family

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Gwyneth. I love your beautiful name!

  2. Always love hearing about your beautiful weeks.........hope this one brings great joy!

  3. Well, by now you should know I really, really appreciate you sharing your gratitudes with us. It is like a ray of sunshine on Monday mornings.....even when it is dreary outside. Have a wonderful, wonderful week ahead.


  4. I like your lesson about that Scripture. Yes, gratitude is the appropriate response to the grace of God. And that grateful attitude should lead us to the joy of worshiping and serving and obeying our Lord.

    Pan bread? Looks delicious!


  5. Taking only a portion of scripture, you can cause it to say most anything. It is always good to read before and after to gather the entire setting and meaning. I enjoyed your lovely post and photos! Yumm on the cookies.

  6. I always love your lists, Elizabeth; they remind me of things on my own.

  7. Legacy right here. I especially agree with the gift of our grand-babies searching our eyes while they eat...... Such a tender thing. Your lists are such a gift to me Elizabeth. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  8. I'm a bit late and catching up but I always love your gratitudes. It's proof that we can find things to be thankful for in the middle of everyday life!


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