
Friday, October 3, 2014

Psalm 29:11...

Friday is my husband's day off and our "date day".
The weather forecast called for beautiful sunny weather in the Willamette Valley where we live,
but also 80 miles west at the Oregon Coast.
We decided to take a day trip and enjoy a day by the sea.
It was almost 80 degrees and balmy, with none of the typical wind we often have on our coast.
We took a nice long walk along the shore, enjoying the beauty and majesty of God's creation.
While I've experienced many amazing God encounters at church or at retreats and conferences,
often it's by the sea, in the sanctuary of God's handiwork, 
that I am infused with His peace and fortified with His strength.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Hi Elizabeth, I've been following you on Blog Lovin' for some time now. I love, love your photo today. It is beautiful and so calm and peaceful. I also add scripture to my photos. I call my series "Scenes from the Country" and have a tab on my blog where they are collected. I would like to invite you to visit as well. Thanks for sharing. I can almost hear the gentle waves rolling in. Wish I was there!
    Elaine @

    1. I'm so happy to "meet" you and will pop right over to your place.

  2. I'm so glad you could get away for a day at the coast. I was just there two weeks ago - and I'm ready to go back again! Like you, God speaks something special to me and I always come home ready to go again.

  3. A day by the sea is the cure for many ailments.

  4. A beautiful matching of both photo & Scripture. So grateful for His unyielding & unpenetrable strength which He gives us day by day. Thank you for sharing this verse today! Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Thanks so much for taking time to encourage me with your comment!

  5. I feel the same way! Your image and Scripture are so perfectly paired...I keep coming back to it.

    1. Thank you so much, Marty. I'm glad it blessed you!

  6. I love when we can be spontaneous and just go out and enjoy life. Love your photo. It depicts peace and strength to me.

    1. Barbie, praying for God to infuse you with His strength and peace during this season.

  7. I also find peace and strength in the the "...sanctuary of God's handiwork," whether it be by the sea, in the mountains or just anywhere outside in nature enjoying His creation.

    1. Gayl, just being outside in God's creation really does fortify the spirit, doesn't it?

  8. Elizabeth, That is a gorgeous photo! We sure don't have that kind of scenery at the beaches where I have been. I do always feel the magnificence and power of God just a little bit more when I stand at the edge of the ocean.

    1. We have beautiful coastline here in Oregon. The only trouble is that it's not very often warm. I love the sea, sunny or stormy, however.

  9. I completely agree - the ocean is spiritually powerful. Sometimes even trance-like when I lose myself in the movement and sounds. We didn't get to the beach this year as we had hoped but I think it'll make the moment (when we do return) even sweeter if I miss it a bit. Gorgeous photo and a terrific place for a date day!

    1. I literally get a feeling that "I must get to the sea" frequently. I blame it on my DNA from my mama, who was born on Prince Edward Island, in a farmhouse by the sea, then grew up in Bath, Maine, near the sea. It's in my blood. No place speaks to me quite the same.

  10. One of most favorite places in the world wherever I'm around and about. I've been there with a variety of weather situations, but can't not just be filled with joyfulness and excitement. Thanks for sharing. Sure would love to be there with you some day. Oh, well....

    1. That's why I can't live in the mid-west, I would be so sad to be away from the sea!

  11. Just once, I would like to visit the Coast when it's as warm as the Valley! ;-) Beautiful, beautiful scenery....some of my FB friends have been posting photos of the beautiful calm. I think I feel about the mountains the way you do about the beach.


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