
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A lesson from Zacchaeus...

I'm not a huge fan of large conferences.  Maybe the reason is overexposure.  You've heard how some people can develop an adverse reaction to something due to overexposure to it?  Maybe I developed an adverse reaction to conferences from overexposure during our years in denominational leadership.  I attended more conferences than I can count.  It was then that I became well aware of the fact that individuals with hungry hearts and desperate needs can be easily overlooked in a crowd.

My personality type plays into this aversion as well.  I come across as an extrovert, but am really an introvert "in disguise". "It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extroverted types, but they would all do well to remember that INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw."  (quote from  That is why whenever I play a part in planning a retreat or conference I always include time alone to pray, read the Bible and journal into the schedule, as well as free time so people can connect and spend time with one another in smaller groups.

This doesn't mean that God hasn't used large gatherings to speak to me and to touch my life.  He has.  But, more often than not, I find the crowd a distraction from personally encountering Jesus.  Zacchaeus had that problem as well.  He wanted to see Jesus, to see what all the hubbub about this Man was.  He'd heard the claims about Jesus, but he wanted to see Him for himself.  He had the desire to know more about Jesus, but he couldn't see Him because of the crowd.

Zacchaeus didn't give in to a victim mentality.  Sure his shortness of stature was a hindrance to his ability to see Jesus in the midst of the throngs of people, but he didn't just give up, go home, and throw himself a pity party.  Instead, he took action. He climbed right on up the nearest sycamore tree so he would have a bird's eye view when the Messiah passed by.

I love Jesus's response to Zacchaeus.  He wasn't just another face in the crowd to Him.  And neither are you.  Jesus saw Zacchaeus and invited Himself over to his house.  Isn't that just like Jesus?  Do you realize that He is perpetually knocking on the door of your heart and your home, too?  He sees YOU and He wants to spend time with you.  He's persistently inviting Himself over, persistently knocking at the door.

Zacchaeus had a decision to make, but he didn't waste any time dilly dallying or weighing the pros and cons.  The Bible says that he made haste, came down, and received Jesus joyfully.  I love that.  Zacchaeus received Jesus joyfully and his life was changed forever.

Reading this passage from Luke 19 along with thousands of other women who use  as part of their daily devotional time,  I was touched in a new way with a story that I've been familiar with since I was a little girl with blonde curls sitting in Sunday School. Like Zacchaeus, God sees our desire to see Him and to know Him.  The minute we take action on that desire, He responds.  Our action might be a three word prayer, "God I need you", or it might be as simple as opening your Bible and journal in spite of the fact that the laundry basket is overflowing, the breakfast dishes are still on the table, and the baby smells like he needs a bath.  It might even be signing up for a conference, just hoping that somehow, someway, in the midst of the crowd you will catch a glimpse of Jesus. The good news is, when we put turn our desire into an action Jesus responds. He's  invited Himself over, He's knocking, we just have to open the door.  Like Zacchaeus, let's make haste and receive Him joyfully.  

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  1. I love the reminder that no matter our personality, God sees us and responds as we seek him. I'm glad I linked up near you at #TellHisStory.

    1. Kristin, I'm glad you're my "neighbor" too! Thanks for taking time to stop by!

  2. Such honest & encouraging words. So much truth here. This resonated so deeply, "individuals with hungry hearts and desperate needs can be easily overlooked in a crowd."
    So glad I stopped by!

    1. Sure glad you popped by, Becky! I'm so glad God saw my hungry heart and desperate need, aren't you?

  3. This spoke to me on so many levels, Elizabeth! Thank you.

  4. Praying without ceasing that my desire will be birthed into action. Thank you for linking with us as Unforced Rhythms.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this thought provoking post at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  6. Elizabeth, I'm telling you--you and I are so much alike!! And at a party, I'd rather talk to just one person than entertain a crowd.

    I'm also an INFJ. See!!

    Yep, I' love the lesson about Zacchaeus too. Humming the song about him now.

    Blessings my friend.

    1. We're supposed to be the "rare" personality! Maybe someday we'll get to meet face to face. That would be wonderful!

  7. The words "make haste" are really resonating with me today. Normally I make haste running errands and doing life in general, but my heart...what my heart really wants is to make haste to get to Jesus.

    1. Jen, I echo your words. In a favorite book Joy Dawson says that true reverential fear of God is shown when we obey Him right away, (make haste), and wholeheartedly. I wish I could say I always do that!

  8. I love it when God reveals something fresh in a "Sunday School story" we've seen on many a flannelgraph! Honestly, I've never really noticed the "make haste" bit before, yet it's so important. Such a prod to ME! Thanks for sharing—Your neighbour at 3D Lessons for Life :)

    1. Laura, I just love it when God shows me something new in His Word! It's amazing that there's always more and more and more to discover.

  9. I love this! You turned a story I have heard many times and made it new! :)


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