
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every bitter thing...

I have a hunch that God has already given me my word for 2015.  It seems to be popping up everywhere, appearing often in the passages in my She Reads Truth devotional plans, in the scripture texts used in the sermons at church, in the book of the Bible that we are studying in a class at church.

This year my word was joy.  It's such a happy word to focus on for a year.  And this year truly has been a joyful one!  We had a very unexpected, very wonderful, surprise from God with the birth of our grandson when my daughter had never conceived before in 13 years of marriage, and we've experienced the joy of other blessings and answers to prayer as well.  That's not to say that this year has been trouble free, but overall, it's been a great one. Very joy-full!

Hope was my first ever word for the year.  That was a good one, too.  Delight followed as the word for the next year.  Trust was my word the year after that, and truly, I was stretched that year in trusting God.  God gave me that word, and the scriptures He used to bring it to my attention,  to fortify and prepare me for what I was to face.

The word I think God is asking me to embrace for 2015 isn't an easy one, it isn't a light one, it doesn't have a beautiful ring to it.  In fact, it sounds like grit your teeth, put your nose to the grindstone, hard work.  But the promises God gives to those who embrace the qualities that this word describes are wonderful.  The end result is something I desire.

I'm not telling you what my word is yet, (you know, just in case God changes His mind and decides to give me an easier one).  Why I even brought it up at all has to do with a little verse in Proverbs.  Proverbs 27:7 says that to the hungry, every bitter thing is sweet.  I'd rather God gave me a bowl full of ice cream word, but it appears that He just might be leading me to embrace a brussel sprout word.  The question is, am I hungry enough to embrace whatever He's saying to me, even if at first taste it's bitter?  I know that even the hard, bitter  things in God's Word are sweet, satisfying, and have rewarding results in my life.  And, looking on the bright side, I actually am quite a brussel sprout lover.  

still following,


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  1. What a super year you've had with a new unexpected grand baby! I am a tea drinker too! Not sure if the image is yours, but I love it! I pray your new year is full of the Word and the word you have chosen is shaping you through the Spirit of Him. I bet it's "bitter?!" Jenn p.s. hopped from Holley's blog link up as your neighbor.

    1. Jennifer, yes the image is mine. Thanks so much for stopping by from Holley's!

  2. For the past two years, my words been challenging, growth words. While I wasn't sure I wanted to take them on - and was even less sure what they would mean for me - I've been amazed at how God has used those words in my life. I'd love an easier word this year - one I could rest in - but somehow I think it'll be another action verb with lots of growth and trust involved. Prayers that no matter what word He gives you, that it will become a blessing as you live into it.

    1. Thank you so much, Kathryn! I agree and say amen to your prayer!

  3. Anticipating a sweet work from the Lord as he leads you to share a bitter word. Even a bitter gift is still a gift for wherever He is, is holy ground.

    1. Jane, you know from experience, how the bitter makes you either bitter or better. I so want to respond to God in full trust.

  4. Sometimes He leads through hard places to take us to the sweet pastures of grace. We can't enjoy the sunshine on the top of the mountain without the hard climb on the way up. I know whatever He gives you for next year will be filled with meaning and promise. And it will be exciting to see how He fulfills His plan for you for the year ahead.

    1. Oh, friend, I know you're right, but it doesn't make the saying yes easier. My flesh wants smooth sailing with little effort! Not exactly the way God usually does it, is it?

  5. I am learning as I walk with him that even those things that don't seem to fit my idea, are full when they are connected to Him. And the more that it seems to not fit me, the more it shows the beauty of His glory. So those hard words, not so shiny, they usually bring us to another character trait of God that we may not yet know. :)

    1. Dawn, I am simultaneously dreading embracing this word, and yet already loving the revelation God is giving to me about it!

  6. Elizabeth, I loved this post of yours. Joy has been my word this year, too. And, unlike you, I have had one of the most difficult years of my life. I have struggled with why God gave me a word that seemed to promise smooth and happy paths, but instead has been full of snags and difficult circumstances and emotions. I now see, as I look back, that He has been teaching me a deeper meaning for joy. I'll be posting about that towards the end of the year. I've had a new word lurking for next year, too, but I'm not quite sure it's what God is saying. I'm waiting for some more confirmation. Can't wait to hear your word, and to walk through the year with you as God reveals what He wants to teach - to both of us!


    (In a few weeks I am sharing a post about brussels sprouts! I had to chuckle when you mentioned them!)

    1. I know that JOY is actually a very deep word, a very deep experience when it is the joy that comes from God, not circumstances.

  7. Elizabeth, you brought a smile today. I have often said this year, that next year I want to God to give me an easier word :) But it truly is through these hard words, we learn and grow the most. Trusting Him for my word for 2015. Grateful to have read this today!

    1. Oh, friend, I really don't want to embrace this word on the one hand, but am excited at what God has been showing me on the other hand!

  8. Replies
    1. Jenny, it's actually just some beads I strung, not a real rosary. I love the look of rosaries and wanted something similar, but didn't feel right to try to copy one exactly. I call it my "Jesus beads".

  9. Not sure, but sometimes I think I've left you a comment, only to find it didn't post. Must be my computer! I am intrigued with your new word. My current word is still unfolding in my life. Trying to be intentional to pray that it is a reality both in my life and in my heart. Praying for you, as you listen to the Lord and follow where He leads you. One thing I love about you.

  10. Isn't it just like God when the word doesn't mean what you thought it would mean? My word this year became a difficult one in a lot of ways, but I think He's given me my 2015 word also, and I know enough to be prepared to be surprised! Praying that there is great sweet from the bitter.

  11. I think the important thing is that you are willing to accept whatever God brings you, because you know it is best!


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