
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Eye has not seen...

Friday and Saturday mornings we woke up to fog.
Both days the fog cleared before noon giving way to beautiful fall weather.
There was beauty to be seen on those foggy mornings, it was just hard to see it through the fog.
Last week I wrote about giving thanks "by faith", 
even when you can't see the reason behind God's command to give thanks in everything.
Many times our circumstances are like a foggy morning,
our circumstances are so "thick" that we are prevented from seeing the good things
 that God has prepared and made ready for us.
By faith we can thank Him that He is with us in the midst of the fog
 because He promises to never leave or forsake us.
By faith we can thank Him that we can trust Him, because He is always trustworthy.
By faith we can thank Him that He is working for our good even when we can't see it.
By faith we can thank Him and anticipate the good things He has prepared and made ready for us.

I remember how we felt when we went through a deep, dark Job season.
Everything that could go wrong did, not just for a week or a month, but for several years!
We couldn't see how God had anything good for us because our circumstances were so dark and thick.
But, thank God, we didn't quit!
By faith we didn't give up.
Looking back, all of the good things we are seeing God do now, He prepared in that dark time.
For example, many of the team that planted our church in southeast Portland, 
were saved in the middle of that dark season. 

So don't quit!
Know that God is with you.
Know that you can trust Him.
Give Him thanks "by faith".
He's got some good things waiting for you!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-branches of golden leaves dancing in the wind outside my window
-listening to my daughter's amazing sermon
-meeting my youngest daughter at her coffee shop for coffee
-it's "red cup" season!

-not being in the mood to cook supper but whipping up a simple, healthy, tasty meal anyway
-the sobering words of Jesus in Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats

-gray clouds
-hot oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins and walnuts
-an encouraging text
-a good phone conversation with a sweet gal from church
-carne asada tacos for dinner with the two youngest granddaughters
-watching Muppets Christmas Carol with them
-wonderful news of changed lives at my son-in-law's Starting Point class

-waking up early due to the time change
-God speaking to my heart from the story of Zacchaeus
-finding a good deal on a Christmas gift
-hospital visitation, the privilege to pray for people
-going out for Thai food with my daughter and her family
-our youngest grandson's giggles

-waking up to the blue hour sky
-sweet time in God's Word
-an unexpected opening to be able to get in for a hair appointment
-my co-laborer and friend who helps me with counseling at the church
-the people who come to our Thursday night prayer gathering

-a foggy morning, a cozy quilt, hot coffee, and God's Word

-driving up the Columbia River Gorge with our friend's to pick up our annual order of canned peaches

-a beautiful day once the fog lifted
-going to a movie with the hubs

-a beautiful drive to Kirkland with my husband and daughter, 
(and a good chance to talk with her on the drive)

-spending the afternoon with my sister-in-law while her hubs, my hubs and my daughter went to the game
-an amazing sunset

-a safe drive home to our nice warm bed

-wonderful worship
-a good word from our "father in the Lord"/ mentor who preached at our church today
-thank you, Jesus, for such an encouraging day

gratefully yours,


  1. Beautiful list. The fog looks so peaceful in that photo.

    1. Renee, I don't know why but I love fog. Not in my life, so much, but in the weather, yes.

  2. all reasons for gratitude... right down to the red cup thrill. :) i so love the inspiration offered by your journaling. bless you dearly this day. jAne

  3. Elizabeth, such an encouraging word today! I find myself in a bit of a "Job season" myself. It's been a year that has been so very difficult in so many areas. And yes, it sometimes seems that the "hits" just keep on coming. Thankfully, as you have said, God's hand holds me tightly. And even though the fog is thick and I might not be able to see Him, He's there. I can feel Him.


    1. I pray that God draws you close in a very evident way in this Job season. Just keep walking, friend. No season lasts forever. Thank God!


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