
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday's Faves...Counting down to Christmas in a meaningful way

I'm pretty set on Thanksgiving having its day in the sun.
(In reality, we should have an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving every day!)
To have a day that we set aside to give thanks as a nation is not one we should take for granted.
For that reason, I don't start decorating for Christmas until the weekend after Thanksgiving.

This year, however, we will be out of town for Thanksgiving
 and won't be back home until sometime the Saturday right after Thanksgiving.  
With the idea that I would come home tired of traveling and not in the mood to go through Christmas boxes,
 I did begin to decorate the house.
If Thanksgiving was going to be at our home, I would have definitely waited.

Here are some photos from Christmas last year.

One of my traditions that I have shared on this blog before is my version of a Jesse Tree,
an advent tradition.
I call mine a Jesse's Branch, based on the scriptures from Isaiah 11:1-4
I made 25 tags with a title of Jesus on each one,
and the reference of the Scripture that title is found in on the back.
The full scripture is written out on spiral bound index cards.
Starting December 1st I will hang a tag on the branch, 
one for each of the days of December through Christmas day.
I'm sharing this idea with you again, in case you want to find a branch and make some tags yourself,
before December begins.
It's a simple way to keep the focus on the Christ of Christmas.

Here are the 25 Names/Titles of Jesus I chose with the scripture reference.
Jesus -Matthew 1:21
Savior-1 John 4:14
Son of God- Luke 1:32-35
Son of Man-Matthew 18:11
Redeemer-Job 19:25
King of Kings -1 Timothy 6:14-15
Lord of Lords-1 Timothy 6:14-15
Bread of Heaven-John 6:51
I Am-Exodus 3:14
Alpha and Omega-Revelation 1:8
The Word- John 1:1
The Way- John 14:6
The Truth- John 14:6
The Life- John 14:6
Lamb of God- John 1:29
The Door- John 10:7-10
Good Shepherd-John 10:11
The Deliverer-Romans 11:26
Friend-John 15:15
My Beloved-Song of Solomon 7:10
Bridegroom-Isaiah 62:5
Faithful Witness- Revelation 1:5-6
My Righteousness-1 Corinthians 1:30
Wisdom of God-1 Corinthians 1:30
Lion of Judah- Revelation 5:5

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
 a SAFE and BLESSED weekend!

Also linking to All Things Heart and Home


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Friday Date Day.


  2. Your photography is honestly stunning Elizabeth. I have wanted to begin this tradition but just haven't gotten it done. Thank you for making it easy to jump in and do it! xoxx

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing about your Jesse Tree. I'm printing this as I'd really love to do this in our home. I'm hoping hubs and I will read through Ann Voskamps advent devotional too. Blessings.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I love the idea of celebrating all the names of the Lord. Perfect way to count down to Christmas! Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  5. I like it! I wonder where I can get a branch?

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. I loved seeing glimpses of your Christmas decorations from last year. Your Jesse branch always touches my heart. I can't wait to see what you are doing for this year. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend. Have a safe trip!


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