
Monday, November 10, 2014

Fun with still life photography...

(edited with Kim's quest texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

Today was a cold but sunny beautiful fall day.
I had scheduled myself to be at home all day in order to get the last of my fall cleaning done,
which was to deep clean the pantry and kitchen cupboards and drawers before the holidays.
I did manage to get that accomplished,
but only after I took advantage of the light to play around with a few still life shots.

(edited with Kim's Monday texture, lighten, 40% opacity, Picmonaey's dusk, 30%)

( edited with Kim's Thursday texture, hard light, 45% opacity)

( desat 50%, edited with Kim's BB1 texture, overlay, 30% opacity)

( edited with Kim's villa texture hard light, 50%)
When I edited this still life all I could think of was this silly song that my husband sings with the grandkids.
So, I just decided to go with it!

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. I really really love the first set up! I love the tones and the texture work in them.

    1. Thanks so much, Desirae! I can be critical of my own work and wondered if they were too dark.

  2. First of all, I'm a little jealous that you managed the deep clean of your kitchen - and now I need to head in that same direction!. Love your fall-inspired images. The second rosehip photo is my favorite. And the little chickens are adorable -and the image of your husband singing that little song to the grandkids is a beautiful picture, too!

    1. Donna, those dreaded jobs feel so good once they are all done! Thanks for your comment on my photos. I think the rosehip photos might be my favorites, too.

  3. Waving at you, Elizabeth! I don't know how to to all that special editing, but I sure enjoy seeing yours! A well-deserved recreation after accomplishing the task of deep cleaning......

    1. Waving back at you, Rebecca! You are a blessing to me!

  4. Wonderfull photos, Elisabeth!
    I like it!
    Hugs Britta

  5. Love these photos. I have not dived into still life photography yet and can see that it is a craft that will take some time to perfect. I love how pictures tell a story. Blessings!

    1. Still life is fun and creative and easier than photographing humans or animals that move! :)

  6. I love those dried berries (?) and the wood paneling behind the first shot -such beautiful natural texture!

    1. The "wood paneling" is an old crate set on end. Another photographer online gave me the idea!

  7. I'd never heard that little ditty before :). Your still lifes are lovely-I like the berries one best.

    1. Abrianna, I think its a silly song like children learn at camp and such. Thanks so much for your kind comment about my photos!

  8. it's fun to stop and play a little while we are working around the house, i find myself doing that more and more lately. your photos are just lovely and i really love everything you have in the crock, especially the feathers :) such cute little chickens too lol

    1. Sandy, thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouraging comment about my photos!

  9. I do love those rose hips! I'm not sure I've ever seen such an abundance of them. And the feathers in the arrangement....I don't recognize them. Beauties, for certain.

    1. The feathers were bought at a craft store, so I have not idea. I love the rose hips, too. I think the old fashioned more wild roses are the ones that have them most.

  10. Beautiful images - I love the set-up and textures in the first two images (gosh that would make a wonderful birthday card!). Cute little chickens too!

    1. Your encouragement means a lot to me. Thank you!

  11. This is a beautiful photo series, and I especially like the rosehips. Beautifully done!

  12. Lol ... I remember that little 'ditty', too, Elizabeth! And now, I can't get it out of my head! Such beautiful images and your processing makes them even more so! Blessings to you! :)

    1. HaHa! That's exactly why it ended up on my photo. I couldn't get it out of my head either!

  13. Beautiful textures! My favorite of your images is the white pitcher. Glad you took time from your cleaning to play with photos and share them with us!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I think that may be my favorite, too!

  14. Such pretty textures and love the rose hips!

  15. You gave me a great idea! I have an old white pitcher on the front porch. I'm washing it and finding something beautiful to go inside it, and bringing it in the house--something fallish. And as always, your photos are fantastic!

    Thanksgiving Blessings to you and yours~


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