
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Make the voice of thanksgiving heard!

It's November first.
There's no time like the present to start a new habit,
 to renew your mind from old habits of murmuring and complaining, 
to retrain your mind to respond in gratitude and thanksgiving!
Why not begin now?
I've asked my church to join me in journaling at least three things they are thankful for every day.
I'm putting a challenge out on Facebook for everyone to join me in posting one thing they are thankful for every day in the month of November.
By Thanksgiving day you could have developed a new habit of gratitude!
You can have a mind and heart that is full of thanksgiving instead of dissatisfaction.
It's as easy as noticing and counting your blessings.
Won't you join me?
(You may want to read Ann Voskamp's life changing book, One Thousand Gifts, too!)

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Counting gifts this year, but I love the challenge of counting three a day in November. This is my favorite month because of Thanksgiving!

    1. Ginger, so glad you are counting along with me!

  2. Great challenge, Elizabeth! I'm focusing on Thanksgiving as a Lifestyle, not a Holiday, this month on FB and the blog. Cultivating a grateful heart is worth the effort, and guaranteed a blessings! Have a blessed week!

    1. June, counting my blessings and choosing to have an attitude of gratitude has definitely been life changing for me!

  3. Accepting the challenge and will journal 3 (at least) things I'm thankful for daily. :)

    1. I'm so glad you are going to join me in counting your blessings this month!

  4. What a great way to start November with a heart of Thanksgiving. I'm glad to see you follow the Scripture and encouraging others to follow this practice. I'll be joining you, Elizabeth.

    1. I'm so glad you are going to join me in counting your blessings this month!

  5. November always brings a greater awareness of gratitude (or sometimes the lacking of in my life). I have so much to be thankful for, even during times of lack.

    1. Barbie, gratitude in the deep valley times isn't easy, but I know it's the will of God. Love you, and am still praying and believing with you.

  6. I love Ann Voskamp's book and have been counting blessings for several years. It is a lifestyle that should be embraced all year round. So blessed that you linked up with The Weekend Brew.

  7. I've not read Anns book but the spirit of thanksgiving is heavily poured upon me of late. I'm thankful for so much. I'll join you this month. Blessings friends.

    1. Lisha, I started keeping my gratitude journal because of Ann's encouragement on her blog, before she wrote her book. It's been a life changing habit that I've been doing for five years now.

  8. As usual you're a treat and a care-giver. Thank you so much, as usual, and I love the photo.and the Word. As I said, you're a treat, Elizabeth. Always a blessing, too.

  9. An attitude of Gratitude pleases the Lord and keeps a smile on our face.
    You are a near neighbor at Sunday Stillness.


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