
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Peace, be still...

I read this blog post by my friend, Ashley Larkin, and the thoughts she shared have stayed with me since.
The last two weeks have been especially busy.
The calendar through the holidays is beginning to fill up.
I don't do busy particularly well.
When I have too much going on and not enough margin for periods of solitude and quiet
 I start to feel anxious, overwhelmed and, on occasion, grumpy!
Today's list of to-dos is long, with a wedding at the church this afternoon being at the top of the list.
My instinct is to dive right in and see how much I can cross off the list before the wedding,
running around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off.
Instead, I'm sitting here in my pajamas, a cup of hot coffee by my side,
typing these words as much for myself as for you.
"Peace, be still!"
In Mark 4:39 Jesus spoke these words to the stormy wind and waves and immediately
At the beginning of a very full, very busy day and the approaching busy holiday season,
I am choosing to speak these words over my own mind and heart, my own thoughts and emotions,
"Peace, be still!"
I don't have to let the storm of anxiety or grumpiness rage on uncontrollably within.
I have the authority, like Jesus, to speak to the storm and tell it to cease.
And so, I am, I will.
"Peace, be still!"
I'm going to have my devotions, spend time in prayer and prepare to teach a Bible class tomorrow.
Eventually I will get all dressed up and drive to the church 
and celebrate a happy occasion with a dear to us young couple.
There will inevitably be things on my to-do list today that don't get done, 
but I'm choosing ahead of time to let God's peace rule my mind and heart.
I don't have to let the storm within have its way.
I'm the boss over my emotions, over the way I think, react and respond to circumstances.
"Peace, be still!"
I'm living with these three simple words in my mind, in my heart, in my mouth, in the coming weeks.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. The photo is a wonderful accompaniment to your thoughts.

  2. What struck me in this post is when you said you were "instead" sitting there typing...For me, so often I need to blog these reflections, these moment, in order to see them more clearly. Women thank me for the words I post, but they start with a journaling for myself.

    1. Jenny, in the writing it down, the words became more imprinted in my mind and heart. I've had to revisit these words often in the last few days.

  3. "Peace" is one of my favorite words. I hope you have had a wonderful day, Elizabeth.


    1. Thank you, Debbi! It's one of my favorite words, too.

  4. A wedding! I hope that peace stays with you during these busy days and you do have more times like this to sit and soak in that peace that passes understanding.

    1. It definitely was a busy weekend, and I didn't always stay in peace, I must admit. It's a desire of my heart and something I will keep asking God to help me with.

  5. This is a great post and we must be thinking the same things as I have just written a to do list post too. Thank you for this it is just beautiful. Hope you enjoyed the wedding. I would love it if you would link this up to Good Morning Mondays tomorrow. Blessings

  6. Elizabeth, this entire post is filled with such truth. Well not the part about you being grumpy but the rest of it :) This here are powerful words >>> "... but I'm choosing ahead of time to let God's peace rule my mind and heart. I don't have to let the storm within have its way." It really does come down to our choice, doesn't it? The storm in us does not have to have its way. In the busyness of the coming weeks, I'm with you - l want to make the right choice. I want to remember He has already spoken the words, "Peace, be still!" Blessings!

    1. I want to make the right choice to! It's a continual desire and goal.

  7. love this reminder - especially today. I'm off to a mission trip planning meeting today - we do a women's conference for a nearby community and this year's theme is "Be Still" Can't wait to see what God has in store for us with that theme! Think we can all use a little more 'stillness' in our lives.

    1. Kathryn, I hope your meeting and the coming trip and conference go really well and that your heart and mind are filled with God's peace.

  8. I love when a great post links to another great post. Elizabeth you've confirmed the feeling I've had about making plans this holiday season. This right here...
    "I have the authority, like Jesus, to speak to the storm and tell it to cease.
    And so, I am, I will."Peace, be still!"
    And this..
    I'm the boss over my emotions, over the way I think, react and respond to circumstances.Peace, be still!"
    I feel your boldness this morning. I love it and stand in agreement with you.

    1. I needed my own words numerous times over the weekend!

  9. Beautiful! I will be speaking these same words over and over as we enter this busy season. I am like you in needing my quiet and solitude and am not always successful at doing busy. Perfect reminder! Blessed you joined us at The Weekend Brew.

    1. Me, too! I've needed these words repeatedly the last few days.

  10. The photo is really truly connected to "Peace"...and I love those Words 'Peace be still'. I sure need to be filled with peace. And you're a peacefully operating around and about the world Lady. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Thanks for this - such good thoughts! It is such a hard choice at times, to leave our to-do lists, and instead, to choose rest and quiet, spending time listening to Him and calming our hearts. I am learning more and more to make this choice, even, and especially when I am overwhelmed with the busyness of life. Thanks for encouragement to do so. (And thanks for visiting me at Pursuing Heart!)

  12. such great and true words!

    At the beginning of a very full, very busy day and the approaching busy holiday season, I am choosing to speak these words over my own mind and heart, my own thoughts and emotions,
    "Peace, be still!"

    1. Martha, I think we all need to keep these words at the forefront in the coming season.

  13. The "Peace be Still" was definitely in this post


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