
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Week thanks...

Well, it felt good to take a little blogging break for a few days over the holiday.
We had a fun Thanksgiving with our middle daughter and her family, 
a friend of theirs from South Carolina, and our dear friend from Ghana.
We enjoyed getting away and staying in our friend's vacation house in central Oregon.

On the trip home, the mountain pass was snowy and traffic was stopped,
delaying us at the summit for an hour or so while they cleared up a wreck ahead of us.
It did give me an opportunity to take some photos.
It just goes to show you, there's always something to be thankful for!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-waking up without a backache and headache
-time with Jesus without rushing
-getting a good run before tackling a long list of to-dos before our trip

-safe travels to Eagle Crest and having our two oldest grands ride with us
-beautiful central Oregon sky

-a fingernail moon

-juniper scented air

-making cinnamon rolls with my daughter's friend 

-our youngest grandson's early morning sounds
-youngest daughter missing us and letting us know
-texts from my oldest daughter with a song about Jesus that my five year old granddaughter made up
-going walking/running while the grands rode their bikes

-this beautiful day

-turkey in the oven, side dishes all prepped-time for a nice, long, refreshing walk
-talking to my oldest sister on the phone
-all the faces around our Thanksgiving table, our family, a friend from the other side of the US, 
our dear friend from Ghana

-our youngest granddaughter's third birthday

-black Friday shopping in a smaller town with great stores 
but less crowds and getting all my shopping done except for two gifts!
-playing Clue 

-everyone rummaging through leftovers for dinner, no cooking for me!
-watching my youngest grandson pull himself up to standing
-enjoying the hot tub with my two oldest grands
-our oldest granddaughter plopping herself on our bed while she reads The Hobbit
-God speaking more to me about my word for 2015 through the scriptures in my devotions

- beautiful snow

-safe travels for everyone in our family that was on the road today
-youngest daughter and her boyfriend coming over to watch the game
-a good night's sleep

-God's sweet presence
-a very encouraging message
-God touching people in a very real way
-a good time of fellowship
-getting our little Christmas tree

still following,


  1. I look forward to your gratitude list every week - it's a reminder that I need to do the same. There is so much to be thankful for! Loved seeing bits and pieces of your time away. So glad you are all safely home and your tree is beautiful!

    1. Adrienne, just make journalling a few things to thank God for a part of your devotional time. It's life changing!

  2. Oh what a beautiful post. The picture of the baby with that drumstick should be in a beautiful baby contest. Your Thanksgiving was perfect....except you were missed by your younger daughter. :-( Thanks for the Monday morning encouragement. You are a great way to jump start my week.

    Love ya,

    1. We posed the baby with the drumstick. I do think he's a very handsome guy!

  3. Replies
    1. Dayle, totally a posed photo, but he does look cute doesn't he?

  4. Elizabeth, I enjoyed each and every one of your blessings - by word or photograph. It's a real joy to see your lists of what you are thankful for - and it gives me insight and inspiration as to how I might apply a similar perspective to my own life. By giving your best, you bring out the best in others! That fingernail moon (never heard that term before) is my very favorite photo - so tranquil.

    1. I may have made up the term fingernail moon, but it makes sense, doesn't it?

  5. What blessings you have in your life! Thank you for sharing the sweet beautiful faces of your grands on here. I had to have my hubby come take a look especially at your youngest grandson. He is a testament to God's answered prayers this past year.

    1. Oh, yes! All of my grandchildren are miracles...the two oldest via adoption, the two youngest granddaughters miracle conceptions for my oldest daughter after 10 years of infertility and 3 miscarriages, and then the youngest, God's surprise to my daughter, mom to the two oldest grands via adoption, after 13 years of never conceiving. I know that God works miracles!

  6. Of all the wonderful blessings you have mentioned, there was one that encompassed and surpassed them all. On 11/30 - "God's sweet presence." Yes, that is the best. But, of course, because God is so wonderful, He gives us all these other things, too!!

    Always, always love your lists!


    1. That's the key one, without His presence nothing else really matters!


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