
Saturday, December 13, 2014

1 John 3:1...

You've heard it said that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Yes, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus,
but God the Father's love for us is the reason behind Jesus' birth!
God made us so that we could be included in the perfect circle 
of the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Due to man's sin, He sent His Son Jesus to redeem us from our slavery to sin.
Jesus was eternal existent with God.
He is God.
He was born of a virgin.
He lived a sinless life.
He died a substitutionary death for us on the cross.
He was raised from the dead.
All so we could become God's children.
All so we could be included in the perfect circle of the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Through our acceptance of God's free gift of salvation through Jesus,
we are twice His.
His because He made us
His because He redeemed us, bought us back from the enemy.
What manner of love is this?
Love eternal, unending, overwhelming, all forgiving, perfect.
And it's yours, fully and freely.
All you have to do is receive it.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Love the simple truth here. Thank you. When we see with our Spiritual eyes the truth that HE IS we can never return the same. Coming to you from weekend brew. Blessings ~Chris~

    1. Chris, thank you for encouraging me to keep letting my light shine in this little place on the web!

  2. Blessed to call Jesus my Savior and blessed for the reminder of His unending love. Thank you for your words and for joining The Weekend Brew.

    1. Thank YOU! What a blessing your comments always are to me.

  3. Open the Gift! Love this, Elizabeth! Blessings on your day.

    1. Blessings to you too, June! May the coming days through Christmas be filled with fullness of peace and joy for you and yours!

  4. I love how you combined the verse and the decoration in the photo! So thankful for God's great love for us - for me. Have a wonderful week!

  5. What manner of love is this? Indescribable, uncontainable...thanks for this beautiful reminder Elizabeth.

  6. and the beauty is that he was born and died for us, but it doesn't end there---he rose again and He lives!!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of your heart today.


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