
Monday, December 29, 2014

A little sprig of green...

(Kim's hughes texture, hardlight, 30% opacity)

If you've never seen the photography of S. Etole you are missing out.
Her photography is stunning.
Her life story is pretty amazing as well.

(Kim's flow texture, lighten, 30% opacity)

Today she posted some lovely photos of fresh juniper.
I could almost smell the lovely scent as I looked at her pictures.
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I hope so.
I decided to photograph this little bottle that normally sits in my kitchen windowsill.
It holds a piece of juniper, gathered on last summer's vacation in central Oregon,
 and a piece of eucalyptus from my Christmas greens.
(PicMonkey flo 30%, Kim's 0703 texture, hardlight, 50% opacity)

I wish I had some fresh juniper to photograph.
The beauty of the silver pitcher and the texture of the basket S. Etole used in her photos
 of the fresh juniper captures all that I love about simple still life.

(Kim's avery texture, overlay, 30% opacity)

I hope you enjoyed this little photo journey
and that you'll take a moment to visit S. Etole and tell her hi from me!

(Kim's savor texture, hardlight, 50% opacity)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Beautiful series of photographs! So nice to see some green, too.

    Happy New Year, Elizabeth!

  2. Such a happy surprise. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Blessings for the New Year.

    1. I hope you are ok that I was a bit of a copy cat! Your photography inspires me!

  3. beautiful photos...I love the close-up of the juniper berries.

  4. Great to see all the different angles!

    1. It's fun to "see" from different angles isn't it?

  5. As always, Elizabeth, this is a beautiful place to come and take a deep breath of beauty! Love your photos, and I will check out S. Etole's *place*...

    I hope to see some of your thoughts about your journey of JOY in 2014. I just posted about it (as JOY was my word, too), and in the looking back, I was once again surprised at how able God is to teach us wonderful things through difficult circumstances.

    Looking forward to sharing the journey with you in 2015. We know, no matter what, God will be there with us!!

    Happy New Year, and GOD BLESS!

    1. I loved your post about how the word joy played out in your life in spite of the difficulties you faced.

  6. Your little bit of juniper is so sweet! I love Susan's blog. I found her through you and I visit often. Thank you for sharing her - and yourself - with us.

  7. Juniper is so pretty - love the little bottle too. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! The little bottle was an antique store find.

  8. Pretty! My husband gave me a gift certificate for photography lessons for Christmas! I'm excited to get more comfortable with my camera.

    1. Oh, how great. You'll have to pass on what you learn!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for the link!

    1. You'll love S. Etole and her beautiful photos and sweet spirit.

  10. the loveliest simplicity... like a breath of fresh air... BEAUTIFUL.

    happy new year.... xo, Kim

  11. Interesting series!!! I love the soft colours, but the pop of red from the dish towel fits right in! The last image is my favourite!

    1. Judy, your comment was a blessing and encouragement! Thanks!

  12. Roxanne, I love quiet, simple, peaceful shots, and am blessed that you think I achieved that here.


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